Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Big Red Store

The Big Red Store in Appleton, Tennessee, was established in 1902. During its heyday, it sold a wide array of merchandise that included everything from coffee to coffins. It closed in 1950.

The Big Red Store has many claims to fame. When opened, it was hailed as the largest country store in the world. It's been called the world's first mall, claimed to have the fanciest soda fountain in the south (still there), and is a mile away from where a Civil War skirmish involving Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest took place. 

The store was renovated and reopened in 2006 and now houses a museum containing many original items; other items have been donated.

The Big Red Store in Appleton, Tenn.

A quilt block mural on the side of the building designates The Big Red Store as a stop on the Applachian Quilt Trail.

You won't find Appleton on most maps. Located between Pulaski, Tenn., and Florence, Ala., it is deep in the heart of a valley and almost completely hidden from civilization. 

In its heyday, Appleton was known as Pinhook. It you're interested in learning more about the area and its rich history, the Hendrix family genealogy page has a very interesting article.

My grandmother and great-grandmother traveled to Pinhook to buy their "finery" back in the early 1900s (according to family legend). There, they chose their hats, fancy fabric to be sewn into Sunday dresses and shoes.

One of the ladies I spoke with there, a descendant of one of the early Appleton families and knowledgeable of the area's history, said that each spring a hat maker came to Pinhook from Nashville to custom make hats for lady customers.

Looking down from the second level of the store.

Shelves are original to the store

There are many donated items from the past.
 A few vendors came on Labor Day weekend to sell their wares.


A miniature of a nearby house in the community.

An old photograph of the store.

Among the old papers is a Cotton Gin Record Book.

Caskets were made on the premises.
An old calendar.

 A nearby sign indicated a pharmacist who worked on the premises napped on this beautiful antique bed.
This pooch is traveling in style in a baby stroller, outfitted with food and water bowls.

Watermelons for sale.

Very tasty.

An old barn located nearby.

The Appleton Church of Christ is the only other structure in the town of Appleton.

The store is traditionally open on the Fourth of July and at Christmas. This is the first year they have opened on Labor Day weekend. The crowd was small, but is quite large at Christmas, when it is outfitted for the season.


  1. It's sort of like an indoor's farmer's market, flea market, art fare all rolled into one :-) charming and vibrant! Definitely the kind of place I like to visit on my travels as it gives me a genuine insight into the country and the people.

    1. You're right, Anna; it's all of the above. The atmosphere is great and I want to go back during the holidays.

  2. A wonderful store with a great history and lovely to see it is being preserved


    1. The building fell into disrepair some years back. Wonderful that new owners have restored it.

  3. Great coverage of Red Store. Must go for holifay decorations and cooler temperatures!
    Beautiful country!!!

    1. Oh yeah! Can't wait to see that pot belly stove glowing with warmth during the cold season.

  4. Enjoyed reading the history and seeing some of the old items. Did you purchase anything from the vendors?


    1. I did buy one thing: one vendor had these blouses made with a special process that makes the fabric krinkle. Hard to describe, but they are very cute. I bought one in both lavender and black.

  5. How wonderful that the old Red Store has been preserved, a rare glimpse into the past, Sanda. I got a shiver of shock to see the old calendar, June 1918 - my mother was born a few weeks later in July 1918! I have never seen a calendar from that time.. It must be fascinating to visit, like a museum and store all at once. Love the old bed, cover, and quilt very much, also the civil war relics - my HB would have liked them!

    1. That carved bed headboard was something else. And as you say, the quilt atop the bed was just stunning. All hand stitched. Wish I'd got a close-up photo of it.

  6. Sanda, loved seeing story on Big Red Store. Saw it presented on Public TV recently and have been wanting to visit. Also enjoyed seeing the calendar from 1918, year my mother was born, she in April. Sounds like holidays would be a good day trip. Thanks!

    1. Yes, the 1918 calendar was quite special and so well preserved. Sounds like a good place for a meet-up in December.

  7. Thank you for another interesting post,you make the American history come alive,things seen in the old cowboy films where the ladies went to buy hats/frocks,can now imagine them trying them on in the Big Red Store.

    1. It DOES look like one of the buildings seen in old cowboy films. It was special for me visiting it, since my gmother and gggrandmother went there to shop. Some of the history I read about the place indicates there once was a hotel nearby because people came from so far away that it wasn't a day trip for them. There were a few items of clothing of the period on display.
