Thursday, October 24, 2013

Saying Goodbye to Summer

While most people correctly tie the end of summer to the calendar, for me it is marked by the first frost of the season. Where I live, that usually means the third or fourth week of October and that time is here.

I’ve spent the past few days dragging/lifting/situating into the sun room the plants I want to overwinter. This, after I had loudly proclaimed I was not bringing much inside for the winter!

Here’s what “not much” looks like:
Many aloes and a few begonias. I colored and dried hydrangeas during the summer (top shelf) and now I don't know what to do with them! 

Creeping Fig

Brazilian plume plant
The three kitties who formerly stayed in the garage have taken up residence in the sun room for the winter. Here's Myrtle, sleepy after not showing up last night (worry!) but now ready to sleep all day and pull the same trick tonight, no doubt.

One day ago the mid-morning temperature was 53F; last night the temperatures was high-30s, but tonight we anticipate a full-blown frost.

The fishpond has provided much pleasure this season. The fish have grown from half-finger to half-a-hand size. The white impatiens and sweet potato vine have softened the edges.

The Sweet Potato Vine has really done well at pond side.

Here's the fish. Can you see them? There are 10.
The potted impatiens have gone from this:

 To this:

The cold weather will put an end to these two Diamond Frost plants:
 And the white petunias, which have already dwindled drastically:
 The hydrangea have turned a nice purple:
 Bocappia, a new favorite, will soon be history:
 The white moonflower on the arbor has tried to outdo itself this year. 
 Oh well, at least the ivy around the little water fountain will provide a spot of greenery throughout the cold months:
This little creeper, whose name I've now forgotten, is "supposed" to stay green all winter. We'll see!
Surprisingly, one of the gardenia plants has formed a ton of buds at this late date. One bloom, with others to follow. I don't believe the low-30s will hamper the blooming, but a hard freeze will.

OK, the yard/garden has been winterized. Now it's time to snuggle in with blankets, books and indoor endeavors.


  1. your garden looks amazing! It's astounding that you know all of the names of your plants, their growth cycle and how to care for them properly.
    Where I come from gardens are so important especially in suburban/rural areas where people secretly compete with their neighbours who will have the most opulent garden.
    I don't garden myself, but I do enjoy seeing the more creative gardens where the character of the gardener is visible form their plant selection and the way they arrange the plants.
    I really like your gardening style!

    1. Thank you Anna! I have been doing it so long it just comes natural to me. And yet, there's always one more plant to learn about, and to want. During the hot summers I say I'm not going to do all this again next year, but then spring comes once more and I'm inspired again!

  2. Love it all! Well done...every picture!!!
    Pond looks so pretty! Thing I love most is the creeping fig. Mine wintered over outside last year and I'm going to chance it again this year with some protection on south exposure.
    I too love your gardening are a very creative gardener/person. Good job.

    1. I should give the creeping fig a try outside myself, but I have lost it before over the winter. So long as I have space for things inside I'll just continue to bring them in. Thank you!

  3. I do love your white flower garden Sanda; and everything else as well. Bringing plants indoors for the winter is something we don't need to do, but I can see the cold is about to bite by those temperatures you show. The little creeper is really pretty and the pond is great. yes, can see those cute little fish. Lovely post.

  4. The pond with the leafless tree reflected is a poignant sign of Autumn hovering in the wings,your photos have caught the mood perfectly.
    We are "battening the hatches down" (quoting a naval term!) as an 80 mile an hour or higher is rolling in from the Atlantic ocean due to strike Sunday/Monday.Wishing you a pleasant w/e.

  5. The many plants and flowers are totally dependent on your care and since you like gardening, ( + the money ) and time spent on getting all the plants on your grounds in the first place, I understand you taking care of them through your winter too.

    1. Almost forgot - what happens to the fish?

    2. The sunroom during winter is a pleasant place to spend time. On sunny days it becomes very warm in there with the glass walls. The fish: they go to the deepest spot in the pond to overwinter. They don't eat but hibernate (like a bear I suppose). When the water warms in the spring they start swimming again. Fingers crossed they'll all survive.

  6. As I piece the pictures together I can tell your yard must be beautiful. We rarely get frost here by the Bay so nothing gets moved. In the mountains it is another matter (even snow) but the landscaping there is just as nature planned it.

