Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday -- a time when family, food and football are enjoyed without all the hassle, hustle and bustle that will soon prevail.

Below are a few vintage images from Pinterest that illustrate this American holiday in simpler times. 

The cook no longer has to conquer the turkey, as was the case in times of old. Now that's something to be thankful for!

So 1950s, isn't it?

Love Charlie Brown

Children presented in old images were so precious.

I have prepared many of the side dishes and placed them in the freezer, to be thawed and cooked for the Thanksgiving meal. A good thing, as it allows more time to focus on Baby Katie!

May you have a blessed Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Sanda! We're preparing for our celebration on Saturday, as it's not a holiday here in England. I've a turkey in the oven, pie shells made and frozen along with cornbread dressing and blackberry & apple crisp. I'll be baking the second turkey tomorrow and then we'll be done with all the advance work until the day. I'm looking forward to the first of December, when I'm going to have a day off! Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving today!

    1. Thanks and hope your holiday was nice. Lots of good food you made! Yes, great fun but I needed a couple of days of rest after all the activity.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Katie is adorable and appears to be ready to enjoy Thanksgiving with you... : )

    1. She is such a contented little one and always full of smiles. We had a great one. Hope you did as well.

  3. Have a lovely family thanksgiving Sanda, baby Katie is growing up so fast, she looks such a happy little girl.

    1. Thank you, Rosemary. Time goes so fast that she'll be a big little girl before we know it.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to all at your house! This is a first one for you with a precious baby in the house!

    1. Having a little one in the house does put an entirely new perspective on things. Especially on the upcoming Christmas!

  5. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving,made extra special with your beautiful
    grand-daughter Katie.

    1. We had such a nice visit and thank you for the warm wishes.

  6. That is the cutest baby! Are those turkeys smocked on the yoke of her dress? Love it!
    Notice how much smaller the breast is on that 1050's turkey vs the Butterball of today?

    1. Yes, those are turkeys on her little smocked dress. She was so sweet in her Thanksgiving dress. I had not paid attention to the smaller breast on the turkey in the photo, but now that you mention it...yes indeed!! Good catch!

  7. Oh Wow, Katie has a turkey dress for Thanksgiving? Adorable little princess..A very happy thanksgiving to you all, and it will be very special with a baby in the house. Your olde worlde pictures are lovely, nostalgic and interesting too.

    1. Hi Patricia. Thanks and Katie is an adorable little baby. I too love those vintage photos!

  8. Enjoyed the old fashioned Thanksgiving pictures. Best of all is Katie in her Thanksgiving dress though. Wishing you and your family the very best of holidays.


    1. Hope you and your family had an enjoyable Thanksgiving. Such a short time between now and Christmas and I'm way behind the curve getting ready for it.
