Monday, December 9, 2013

It Feels Like Losing a Friend.

For the almost two years since I established my blog, I have come to feel I know some of the people who read and comment here. 

Even though they live far away, on other continents even and I know I’ll never meet them, a friendship of sorts develops over time.

 That’s why I felt sad that our friend Mette from Finland wrote her farewell post last week. I understand completely why. She is moving on with her life, especially since the much looked forward to birth of her first grandchild.

Blogging is time consuming. Reading others’ blogs and commenting on the ones you read takes time as well. So yes, I understand why people stop.


And yet….. I will miss reports of what’s going on at Haugland (I trust I have spelled it correctly). We have come to know her precious dog Morty, her beautiful horse Hemple. We will miss getting a small glimpse of her stylishly and tastefully decorated home. We shall miss seeing what’s available in stores, as she often posted the latest offerings in clothes/handbags/shoes and home décor/accessories.

Heck, we even “met up” once in Helsinki for coffee and show off our dogs!

Mette’s was one of those blogs I looked forward to reading each day or so. She was always real, honest and frank on both her posts and comments on others’ blogs. Refreshing.

So I say farewell, Mette, hopefully not forever, though. I hope you’ll stop by and say hello from time to time. And who knows, perhaps in the future you’ll decide to start blogging again.

If so, many of us will be here and anxious to greet you once more.

Good luck, Mette, in all that you do. 


  1. I agree with all you said Sanda. I will miss Metta's voice and also miss some of the folks who commented there. It seemed like we had formed a little community. I'm sorry I didn't think to bookmark some of the blogs other people who commented there have. I understand though that people have obligations and interests that change.


    1. Hi Darla. I see that Mette has commented below so we'll look forward to what she plans in the very near future (we hope)!

  2. Hello, hello - I have not disappeared.
    I have decided on another type of way keeping in contact with both you.
    Btw., my home is Hagalund and my horse is Hampel ( just to get things in correct ; )!
    But - if things roll on over and over from year to year in a very same way, there will be tears.
    A change is needed. And that is what I am seeking after.
    There are so many ways to keep in touch. A no, no for FB, Twitter and likes.
    Let´s leave them for the younger generation, ok?
    So. Before you both will realize, I´ll be back on the net!

    1. Oh thank goodness you haven't disappeared! Gosh, I can't wait to see what you have in mind. Sorry I misspelled Hagalund and Hampel! I know what you mean about things getting stale. I think about my blog a great deal and feel it's time for a "new direction." I haven't yet decided just how, but I'm not feeling inspired these days. I suppose that happens to most bloggers sooner or later. In my case, I feel I can post about my daily activities, hobbies, pets, books, cooking and family only so much, and have reached the saturation point. I, too, have the need to try something new.

      Well, we look forward to your reappearance!

  3. Dear Sanda:

    I did not know that Mette was disappearing because I too adore her from a her honesty and class and fun. Now I see that she is not disappearing but changing forms. I am happy to hear that.


    1. Hearing from her was a pleasant surprise. Whatever she comes up with will be savvy and original!

  4. I was not surprised with Mette's news,but the thought of not 'chatting' with her again left me upset.Having followed her for over 3yrs like the rest of you
    am looking forward to linking up again with her,yipppeeee!
    Think we have a great group of interesting women.

    1. Agree with you Judith. The grandchild has added a new dimension to her life! Can't wait to see where she goes with a new link up.

  5. Even though i did not follow Mette. I know how you feel Sanda..
    I lost a friend 2 years ago.. she was a friend to many of us.
    I totally agree. It takes time to blog, to write and compose and to comment to our dear friends who follow us.. I have a few people who have joined my site, but never comment or write anything. So i know who reads my posts and it's warming. like you say, worlds apart..yet we get to know each other.
    Who knows.. Mette might just surprise you and put up a post about her new grandbaby.
    Hope that you are well.
    I have been a little behind.. but am catching up.
    happy monday.
    val x x x x

    1. I have been blogging for just under two years and have found it quite interesting how one becomes "attached" to the people we correspond with. So true that many read but few comment. But I notice that some blogs who have hundreds of followers receive even fewer comments proportionally than those of us with under 100 followers.

      Hope all is well with you this week and that Mr. H. is doing well.

  6. I too am amazed how fast I became connected to a feeling of community when I started blogging. Mette led me to Ida led me to a beautiful red bag I am going to wear to my company holiday party, Sanda you have been my biggest cheerleader in the blogesphere and others have been helpful when I had a question about technical difficulties.

    Thank you again for your encouragement Sanda. We are all connected even in our silence.

    It is time consuming and

    1. To finish my thought....It is time consuming.and I am thankful when I have the time to connect with you and others.

  7. Oh, that is how I felt too Sanda. Quite like a friend had suddenly disappeared, which is how I reported it to HB. I am happy and relieved to see her comment that Mette will be around again in some form or other. It is a delightful experience to become part of this little circle of friendship, and we do get to know, and care about, one another as we tap away at our blogs each day or so. Hurrah for the modern world of social networks! Beautifully written post, thank you, Sanda.

    1. Thanks, Patricia. I enjoyed reading your comment. It is amazing the technological advances of the last decade that has made this type of dialogue possible.

  8. I too will miss Mette's old blog format. As always when something I've grown attached to dissapears it feels like the end of an era :-( but then I do applaud Mette for sticking to her own instincts. She never was one to let things pile up, an avid de-clutterer who's not afraid to implement swift and radical changes.

    1. I know what you mean! I am resistant to change as well and it takes me a while to adjust. HaHa, how perceptive of you to mention that changing her blog is another aspect of her decluttering mindset!

  9. Sadly I never discovered Mette's blog, but she was very gracious and let you all know what her intentions were. I feel disconcerted when people vanish altogether and you are left in the lurch wondering if something awful has happened to them.
    I have promised myself that if ever I decide to give up then I shall be like Mette and let followers know.

    1. I too think that's a good plan. Not knowing what happened when a person "disappears" is not a good thing.

  10. I really like Rosemary's assessment - it is very gracious to warn everyone. As therapeutic as writing is, when you get out of the habit, either by illness or just bad Internet connection, you can forget to make the time or even just stop thinking in terms of what to write. I always assume the best, that there is something wonderful happening - a new job or boyfriend or grandchild, but it is nicer knowing for certain.

    1. Me too, Beryl. Last summer when you weren't posting I wondered what in the world had happened to you. My instinct told me that you were busy traveling and doing fun things----and I was right! But was glad when you reappeared!
