Thursday, December 19, 2013

Limping Toward Christmas

It’s been slow coming – this getting ready for Christmas business. I’ve always envied those who can think about Christmas and plan accordingly for months in advance. Well, sort of, anyway.

It must be mid-December before I can even begin thinking and planning for it. Perhaps it's more difficult, but the “last-minute” shopping, baking, decorating – even listening to the music that’s been going on for weeks – are what gets me “in the mood” for Christmas.

I managed a bit of shopping yesterday, accomplished some baking and house decorating this past weekend, and am slowly trying to psych myself up for the coming day.

How about you? Do you find it more difficult each year? Or is it just me?

Here are a few pictures of the limited decorations I’ve placed in the house this year.

My next post will include some of the food I’ve prepared – cookies, candies, etc.
My favorite holiday decorations are the tiny bright lights that I place on tabletops -- in a different way each year. This time, I just left the dried hydrangea arrangement on top of the dining room buffet and placed the lights and artificial greenery around it.

Just a few simple white candles in front of the living room fireplace.

More lights around another dried hydrangea arrangement on a side table in the living room.

White lights and candles on the mantle. Nearer Christmas, I'll probably gather fresh magnolia leaves to add to the arrangement.

I dug out the Christmas piano music for display. The two books are childrens story books that I received as gifts when I was six years old!

Three glittery trees that I like for some reason and place them on the coffee table each year. Notice that presents have not yet been placed under the tree. That's because nothing is yet wrapped!

The tree - very simple with all red and white decorations. I have many boxes of ornaments collected over the years but chose not to use them this year. Maybe next year, when Katie will be old enough to notice them!

What preparations have you made for Christmas?


  1. Dear Sanda- lovely decor! I admire those who are so organized as to prepare early and I know a few people like that. Not me! My situation changes each year but I try to put a few leaves and flowers here and there. This year we were in semi-construction so there is not much except poinsettias. I gave away our tree that we had had for some years. Merry Christmas to you!

    1. Our traditions change with our changing circumstances in life change, and I think that's a good thing. Decorating is much more fun when one is younger or have young ones around to become excited about it. Merry Christmas to you as well!

  2. WOW, and you write that you have practically done nothing.
    Amazing arrangements, all over.
    You should see what I have done = nix. Only the Amaryllis on the second floor landing.
    I don´t think that I can read your cooking post. I´ll just pull the blanket over me and dream sweet dreams ; ).
    Well done Sanda.

    1. Thank you, Mette. Seems I was just "checking the box" as I decorated. Don't think my heart was really in it. Maybe next year will be better. Right now, just want to go to sleep and wake up in January!

  3. Everything looks so beautiful! Nothing prettier than hydrangea and with white lights around it...even more beautiful. Love seeing the little books...remember them so well.
    Great job!

    1. Placing lights on the hydrangea arrangements was the easy way out. At night it looks really pretty. Those little books are one of my favored belongings.

  4. Everything looks so beautiful. I especially like the candles in front of the fireplace - how pretty! We're off to California for Christmas since that's where the children are. But we have a tree and some decorations up in Tulsa that have been there for a month. And there are a few trees waiting for us in California that I put up while John was in Australia and I was there. One regular living room one, and (my favorite) a very small kitchen tree, that is decorated with ornaments having to do with foods and cooking. I get things like wine glass charms when they are on sale and hang them. I put a 3 foot tree in our bedroom, but it has absolutely nothing on it. Have to fix that when we get there on Saturday.
    Oh, and I have Christmas cups and mugs that I have been drinking all my tea and hot chocolate out of since October. Good reminder that Christmas is coming!

    1. What a cute idea - having the kitchen tree decorated with cooking ornaments I have Christmas mugs too but have been to lazy to get them out. Or maybe I sent them to the consignment shop. Actually hope I did!

  5. Sanda, it looks quite sparkly at your house to me. I like the touch of the books on the piano. Our decorating is minimal, in fact would probably fit in a shoe box except for the fresh greens each year. Baking done (in freezer) but we do host Christmas dinner for the family so there will be a lot of cooking going on. Hope your holidays are wonderful


    1. I imagine you are in the thick with cooking by this time. Howmany guests do you have for Christmas dinner. Having so many in the house would make me a nervous wreck I'm afraid. But it's nice you have a large family to celebrate the holidays with.

  6. You look well in advance to me,have hung 2 wreaths on the posts of the five barred gate at the entrance to the drive,had to check they were still there as
    we have high winds blowing (still intacked so far!)Will add a few touches over
    the w/e.Like your white candles in the fireplace your house looks cosy.

    1. By now you have likely added the final touches to your Christmas decor. Wreaths on the gate sounds so beautiful. Glad they survived the storm. We had high winds with a threat of tornadoes here last night but we were sparred any damage. I love white candles. Will light those on Christmas Eve.

  7. A very pretty post, Sanda, and your decorations are beautiful. The lights look very special and I love the fireplace. I also have a Rudolph book (not the same but similar) which I received when I was 7! And I sometimes put it out at Christmas, but like you, not everything comes out every year. I am not particularly organised, and tend to leave food until the last minute. There is a lot of socialising pre-Christmas which tends to take up my time! But from tomorrow I must get serious because there will be a lot of people here this week :) Merry Christmas and have loads of joy with little Katie.

    1. The picture books of yesteryear were so much more beautiful than those of today. Mine have velveteen touches throughout. Very special. We had Katie and parents yesterday, last night and today. It was great seeing her in all her little Christmas outfits. She liked the bows on the presents best of all. Of course, they went straight toward her mouth!

  8. Dearest Sanda.
    Simple is beautiful, and that is what your lounge looks like.. so lovely so inviting.
    I hopped out of big christmas bangs a few years ago.
    I like it simple. this year is just simple.
    My family are all away.
    I will be with some and there.
    To have my health and be able to enjoy the special day is enough for me.
    Thank you Sanda..for all your lovely friendship through this year.
    You have been a super blogging friend. I count myself lucky to have met so many lovely people.
    With this I wish you and your family a very blessed Christmas.. with lots of love, and joy.
    your friend in blogging val.

    1. Out Christmases get simpler the older we get. Your attitude is just great Val, and you're so right. If we have our health and are still living we have something to be grateful for. Hope you spend a lovely Christmas with your friends. Wishing you the best and like you, appreciate all the friends I've made through the blog. Merry Christmas, Val.

  9. I love your Christmas decorations, the dried hydrangeas surrounded with lights are probably my favorite. Though the red and white combo on your tree is a fantastic idea, I usually do red/gold one year and blue/silver the next.
    This year Christmas snuck up on me and I was really late getting everything together.
    I hope you spend a wonderful Christmas with your family and I wish you all the best in the coming year!

  10. Thank you, Anna.

    I alternate my tree too. A few years ago I had blue/silver, last year all silver. I want to do a totally white tree one year.

    Now I'm just glad to put the Christmas things away. I usually leave the fairy lights up on the mantle and tables until well into February. I think of them as my winter lights during the long nights of winter.

    Wishing you the best in 2014.
