Thursday, January 2, 2014

Reads for the New Year

I stopped in at my favorite used bookstore, Arianas Book Exchange, a few days ago.I can't pass by without checking out their stock. The staff is very knowledgeable and the selection is quite good for a used bookstore.

It isn't as if I need anything new to read. I received a Kindle Paperwhite, the newest version, as a Christmas present, and was able to transfer the library on my previous version (Kindle Fire), onto my new one. Plus, I've already ordered a few new titles.

Arianas was having a year end sale - 75 percent off everything. Naturally, I found several books I wanted. All are "old," just books I never got around to reading at the time. 

The three books at the top of the stack are from a $1 bin, so I got quite a bit for my money. I've never read Fern Michaels, so at only a dollar each, I thought it might be a good time to try her.

I never read The Prince of Tides, although I think I saw the movie years ago. Seabiscuit is supposed to be really good and I don't know about the other two. But the covers looked interesting.

I'm more than halfway through The Language of Flowers and am captivated by the story. It's a tale about a girl who spent her childhood in foster-care. Now a young adult, she is unable to get close to anybody, her only connection to the world through flowers and their meanings.

I read the reviews when it came out last year and thought I'd enjoy it. It received rave reviews and was on the New York Times Bestseller list.

The weather makes it feel as if winter has truly arrive. The temperatures didn't make it above the freezing mark today, and we're headed for nighttime lows in the single digits in a few days.

Time to cozy up in front of a wood burning fire, cover up with a homemade quilt and start working my way through the stack.

Have you read anything interesting lately?


  1. Your collection of books looks diverse and interesting. Keep warm Sanda. It is raining here at the beach.
    I am re-reading Mr Ives Christmas by Oscar Hijuelos.

    Happy New Year


    1. Enjoy your lovely weather. The next few days here will be perfect for reading. I've never read Mr. Ives Christmas.

  2. I've been reading Stuart Woods' Stone Barrington series and my husband's current favorite is Vince Flynn. I see you got a Pat Conroy. South of Broad is one of my favorites of his, but his cookbook is, to me, by far the best with lots of fabulous family stories mingled in with his recipes. Pat is a fine cook and knows his way around the kitchen.

    Wishing you much good health and happiness in the new year.

    1. Pat Conroy is a quite wonderful writer, in my opinion. I would like to look into his cookbook. The same wishes back to you, Sam.

  3. Looks like you are set for reading materials. I get most books from the library but buy bargains like you did to take to the mountains. The only one I've read of yours is Between, Georgia and I liked it. Just finished Darkest Fear by Harlan Coben - like mysteries, like Coben's writing.


    1. Darla,so strange HC was recommended to me yesterday,have never read any of his books like you I enjoy mysteries,so must give them a go.

    2. Not familiar with Coben. The great thing about blogging is one learns so much from others - especially good books to read. I will check him out. I like mysteries, too.

  4. I´m sure my MIL is responsible for me not wishing to buy an already read book. She herself didn´t and announced it loud and clear. But, horror, horror, she gave us as Christmas presents the books, she had read in beforehand!
    I never touched them.
    I guess I have already mentioned, that I am now reading the book, which won the Finlandia Literature prize this year.
    Life in the former USSR, strangely interests me.
    I only read in the evening, after " everything " is done, so I am a slow reader ( :

    1. I can understand passing along the books one has read to family/friends. But give as Christmas presents?? That WAS bad. I can now understand why you don't like used books. Do give us a book report on your current book. Will be interesting.

      I have to admit that when I'm reading a good one, I can be caught reading at odd times during the day, but like you, always at bedtime.

  5. Winter is the best season for reading books, for me at least. I have only read seabiscuit out of your selection but heard of all the rest. What a great way to start 2014...wishing you the very best dear Sanda.

    1. Yes, I definitely read more during winter. Summer is spent outdoors and reading then is limited to bedtime. I do have quite a few to work through but have no doubts I will finish all of them.

  6. Hi Sanda, All great writers I have heard READ READ you are on the right track. I have a stack of books by my bed but not sure the name of any of them because I read them one at a time and only in order to get to sleep. I love to read but find myself watching YouTube instead of reading books to relax. Guess being a great writer is not on my path.

    1. I really enjoyed your posts these past several weeks, Just keep it up!

  7. I feel lost if I have no books to read,like Mette always finish my day reading.Am reading The beautiful child by Emma Tennant a ghost story,not my usual type of read,rather mixed feeling about it,will have to see how it developes.

    1. I always like to have a stack, too. Not familiar with the one you mention. Let us know your final analysis of the book, please. I like ghost stories once in a while.

  8. I have a nice pile of books from Christmas gifts, so I'll be good for a while too. Love your collection; I remember reading Prince of Tides years ago when the movie came out, and found it a memorable story. Happy Reading, Sanda!

    1. I so enjoy receiving books as Christmas presents; in fact, it's my very favorite gift to receive. I started Prince of Tides last night. Boy, it grabs you from the beginning so I don't want to put it down. Hard to believe it was first published in 1986.

  9. Language of the Flowers sounds so good..let me know about it. Have read Seabiscuit another good one of Laura Hillenbrand's is Unbroken. Prince of Tides...One of my all all time favorites. I'm reading The Book Thief after seeing the great movie. Sounds like you got some good entertainment ahead.

    1. I know that Prince of Tides is one of your favorites. Since I gave you The Language of Flowers today, I'd be willing to wager you'll have it finished in 3 days, just like I did. The best winter entertainment.

  10. I happened to pick up the book Twilight at a charity shop (I love 2nd hand books and prefer them over new, just so they don't end up in a landfill somewhere). I didn't know much other than it had been made into a series of films with the guy from Harry Potter. Bill won't watch many films, but we've seen the HP films many times over. I was hoping to find something else he would watch, but I prefer to read the books before seeing the films. I was really hooked by the book even though it's kind of like reading a teenager's diary. And then I went and found all the others (also in charity shops) and read them. We watched the film Twilight and neither of us was that fussed about it, but I felt like I was in withdrawal after finishing the series. I found it interesting to find the parallels in the books with some of the tenants of the Mormon religion (Meyers is Mormon and having lived in Salt Lake City for four years, I learned a bit about their beliefs). I was a bit embarrassed at being engrossed by these teenage novels until I read that Gretchen Rubin (a very serious and successful author) loves them too! I found a discussion on Amazon about what to read after Twilight (etc) and am working my way through that list. Didn't much get into Interview with a Vampire, but Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series is fascinating. Must admit they have 'sex scenes' that classify them as bodice-rippers, but the story and the historical bit makes up for the other. They aren't about vampires, but about time-travel instead. Got the usual stack of books - mostly non-fiction - for Christmas. Will be blogging about my stack soon-ish! I remember reading about Helen Keller and how when she learned Braille she would read until her finger tips bled. That's how much I love to read, too!

    1. I haven't read any of the books you mention, Shelley. Look forward to reading about your Christmas stack soon. I've never heard that story about Helen Keller. Isn't that amazing? Helen Keller's birthplace is a short skip-and-jump from where I live. Each year during the summer, there are outdoor live performances of "The Miracle Worker" on the grounds of her home, Ivy Green.
