Thursday, February 6, 2014

Angel and Furry Friends Art

Here’s a little watercolor/collage print by Patricia Eldridge, a gift from a cousin at our annual reunion last November.

The print immediately appealed to me, with its angel/moon/stars motif.

After a bit of research on the artist, I found out some interesting background on this local artist.

Phantom's Guardian Angel illustration, "Angels Unaware"
by Patricia Eldridge
Eldridge’s illustrations are included in “Phantom's Guardian Angel,”  a children's book about animal rescue. The artist’s website states the purpose of the book is “to teach kids how to treat animals with kindness.” Most of the proceeds from book sales are donated to animal charities.

What a great combination, beautiful art that benefits four-legged creatures and teaches children how to respect them!

A series of her prints depict Guardian Angels with different dog breeds. A large portion of the proceeds of each print are donated to the different breed rescue groups.

Aren't these just the sweetest ever?

Black Lab
by Patricia Eldridge

Multiple Cats
by Patricia Eldridge

Blonde Cocker Spaniel
by Patricia Eldridge

by Patricia Eldridge
(This one's for you, Judith)

Golden Retriever
by Patricia Eldridge 

Chocolate Lab
by Patricia Eldridge
(A Big Ben dog, Sissy!)

Yellow Lab
by Patricia Eldridge
(And this one's for Darry)

See prints of all breeds here
Learn more about the artist here

I'm off to get my little print framed. It will occupy a special place in my house.


  1. Thanks for showing us these and introducing me to a new artist. I really like her work. I find animals difficult to draw/paint and her animals are really well done.

    What a perfect piece of art for your home.


    1. I agree! It's always fun discovering a new artist. Her work appeals to me. Can't wait to get the print framed.

  2. Delightful work - I actually like your best.

  3. I too like the pictures of the animals. The fact that the animal is detailed and the person/ the rest of the picture is not, is an interesting detail.
    I´m also liking that part of the money will be donated to animal rescue.

    1. I too like that the emphasis is on the dog, not a person. An artist with a love for animals and their care -- my kind of person.

  4. Animal pictures are always cute these especially so with the dachie!I have been hunting for a green collar so far no luck.
    Pictures with angels/animals will capture childrens imaginations and encourage kindness,plus charity donations makes for a winning situation.

    Maybe you will show us the picture framed,such a delightful gift.

  5. Such sweet pictures. See a Golden is included! Can't wait to see your framed treasure. This post brought a big smile on a gloomy day!

    1. Smiles for gloomy days are much needed lately!

  6. So happy to learn about this artist. I have a few friends with little children and the books would be great for them. Thank you Sanda!

  7. These are just lovely. It would be fun to have a series of them. I especially like the Golden Retriever. Thank you for all the links.

    1. I thought the prices for the prints were quite reasonable. I may have to get the Golden Retriever one!

  8. Very sweet pictures. I love the Golden Retriever (my last dog, Sunny). Why is it generally *several* cats? Apparently one isn't enough?
