Wednesday, February 19, 2014



A small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase (such as a 13th doughnut when buying a dozen). More broadly, something obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure. (The word entered English from the Louisiana French adapting a Quechua word brought in to New Orleans by the Spanish creoles. It derived from the South American Spanish phrase la yapa (referring to a free extra item, usually a very cheap one).

This word has not always been a part of my vocabulary. One hears it used primarily around the Gulf Coast in the United States - places such as New Orleans, Mobile and the Florida Panhandle.

But it's a good word. I like the sound of it. And while the definition doesn't strictly fit the contents of my post, I'm using it anyway. Because these are a few small gifts I gave to myself today.


At times, one must be frivolous, even (or especially) in the small things. Like buying a few stems of lilies because they are so beautiful and you need a bit of cheer inside until winter passes.

Such was the case when I saw these gorgeous white lilies. Of course, the added benefit -- and perhaps the main reason for bringing them home in the first place -- is their divine fragrance.

Place a vase of lilies on a table and they'll perfume an entire room. What could be better than drifting off to sleep breathing their intoxicating fragrance? 

And then there's tea. Finding and bringing home a new one you haven't tried before is an experience to be savored. I enjoy rooibos teas very much so getting this one was a no-brainer. The vanilla enhancement makes it swoon-worthy.

Frames. I need to buy several new ones. Finding the perfect one can be a challenge. This one seemed just right.

These gadgets might have been around for awhile, but it was only today I became aware of them. What a novel idea, if you'll pardon the pun!

 Here's how it works:

And I happen to have a picture that fits my new frame perfectly! Our Valentine from Katie!

How do you reward or treat yourself? Chocolates, a new lipstick, book, movie? Oh, there are so many and I'm guilty of most of the ones mentioned. But life is short. Enjoy it!


  1. Those flowers look so beautiful. I am always cheered by Tea, Chocolates, or a new exotic cooking ingredient. Or shoes, of course.

    1. I love the smell of lilies in the house. I can't wait to plant some in my garden this spring.

  2. Love love love Katie's pretty Valentine - I'll bet you were thrilled to receive it!
    Of course I treat myself to a Lagniappe, quite often I'll admit. I think enjoy life and make it a pleasure because we only get one chance - the odd chocolate, flowers, a plant or a trinket. I like to treat HB as well. He likes it :)

    1. We were! It doesn't take tons of money to feed our souls, does it? Nice that you treat your HB as well.

  3. Dearest Sanda,
    Ohhh.. how I love sometimes to treat myself. Like Patricia, the odd chocolate i love. Maybe a new plant for the garden, home magazines. Its sometimes needed ),- indulgence in things we like.
    your little Katie is so so sweet.. She is growing fast Sanda.
    Happy week. val x x x x

    1. Our little indulgences get us through the day. It has reached the point that magazines are so expensive, almost as much as a paperback book. But I sometimes buy one if something strikes me. Can't wait until next time I see Katie!

  4. What a lovely picture of small Katie! Yes, the frames were necessary.
    I too drink rooibos tea - in the evening and fall asleep quickly. My favorite is Cinnamon Spice.
    The way it goes with me is, that 1. I buy something 2. Feel guilty about it 3. Try to find an excuse for the buying 4. Justify the purchase = treat.
    What I might buy costs usually too much, so I limit my tours in stores / online.
    I skip buying many " essentials ", as their sum adds up to quite a sum in the end, and are the essentials essential after all, as I manage to skip buying them?

    1. I need to buy about six more frames; Katie's photos will become a wall gallery. From what others say, one either really likes rooibos or can't endure it. Haha, I like your rationale! I will have to start thinking about your policy on essentials - skip them once in a while!

  5. That valentine will become a treasure. What an interesting word with an interesting etymology. A treat is usually an "upgrade" of something I need already, a better version of the practical, a fancier cheese, nicer eye pencil, etc. This balances my desire to get something fresh, but for ahem, "practical" reasons. Clever bookmark, mine are always sliding out.

    1. I like the word! I don't find any merchants these days who gives them anymore, although in earlier time they were common around where I live. A good approach to rewarding yourself, Patricia. We do whatever works for us.

  6. Beautiful flowers, beautiful baby girl! Can't beat those two. Maybe soon I'll get the "hang" of drinking other than southern sweet iced tea! My reward is usually a garden plant but sometimes small things in an antique store...old sheet music is a great find.

    1. To those of us raised as drinking our tea only iced and sweetened it can be a difficult change. I think I first started drinking it hot when I first read Rebecca, when I was about 15. Proof that reading can "change us."

  7. Never heard that word before,love unusual words.I do enjoy seeing photos
    of your Katie so cute....I have collages of my daughter throw all stages of her
    early years,also with the g/ will have many frames to keep up
    with Katie's,such fun making happy memories.

    1. I like unusual words too! We have many of them here in the American southern states! I found another frame today; always looking!

  8. I first met that word on the Pleasantview Schoolhouse blog and I see it occasionally on other blogs, but I've never heard it used. I'm glad to know what it means but can't see myself ever using it in real life! I indulge myself regularly: hot bath, wine and/or candles with dinner, attending craft groups I love, spending hours reading books (and blogs), the occasional spending splurge. I try to mostly reward myself with things not bought or consumed, but you are right - life is short and we need to enjoy it.

    1. And sometimes just a few hours spent alone relaxing can be one of our best treats! Or enjoying a walk of listening to music. You are so right; the treats don't have to cost money!

  9. Katie's Valentine card is precious!

    I love occasional treats. I've found that most often small luxuries chear me up more than the expensive investment items. I love the spontaneity and the spur of the moment excitment that comes with.
    my favourites are: pastry from the baker's or coffee and cake with a friend, stockings, printed pocket tissues, scented candles,...

    1. I like all the treats you mention! It seems most of us agree the treats usually are not costly. I received as a gift some of the cutest printed pocket tissues with cats! I had never seen such tissues before and I love them!

  10. Hello Sanda:

    How wonderful to be frivolous with oneself! And why not?

    White lilies are amongst our all time favourite flower not least for their 'divine', as you say, scent. We treat ourselves whenever we can - sadly they are not always readily available here. Your book marker is excellent - we have not come across anything similar ourselves - and so thoroughly practical.

    We have come across your most intriguing blog through our friend, Helen Tilston, and have signed as Followers. If you need to know more about us, then we are only a click away. Have a really enjoyable week.

    1. Welcome to my blog and thanks you for leaving a comment and becoming a follower. I took a peek at your excellent blog and I am intrigued! I will be back soon to peruse at leisure and follow you! How have I missed your blog all this time?? Glad I have now, though!!

  11. I've seen the word in print on numbers of occasions but don't think I've ever heard anyone use it. Katie looks cute in her frame. Like the bookmark a lot.


    1. I dreamed about that bookmark last night. Lol! I haven't placed it on a book yet as I've been reading on Kindle. Surely I wasn't having problems getting it up and running!!
