Saturday, February 1, 2014

One Down, Eleven to Go

Where did it go? The first month of 2014 is now in the history books.

I don't make New Year Resolutions, but I do set goals - albeit "loose" ones - for myself. Sometimes I commit them to paper, sometimes not.

You know, the "I'll exercise more, eat healthy food, read more, complete unfinished projects, do more for others" kind of thing. Check. I've done quite well on these goals.

These are the five books I've read in January. All images from

I've even taken my sterling silver charm bracelet, purchased almost one year ago, to the jewelry store to have charms I've purchased attached.

I want to fill up the bracelet up with things I love - a Golden Retriever, cats, charms to signify cooking, gardening, knitting, a piano -- well, you get the idea.

Then there are the things I want to accomplish that seem to evade me -- Yoga, regular journal entries, listening to quality music.

But there are 11 months left in the year. I'm working on them!

How was your January? Do you feel good about what you accomplshed?


  1. i've heard of some of these books but haven't read any of them. reading more is always on my to-do list.

    will you do yoga on your own or take a class?

    1. I'm looking for a class. I was in one a year ago, and vowed I'd continue on my own at home. Hasn't happened, so I need another class to motivate me.

  2. Sounds like you had a pretty productive January. I hope you enjoy Yoga - it was a little too hard for me. Maybe there are easier classes than the one I tried. I am thinking of doing a Zumba class when I get the proper shoes.
    Your bracelet is beautiful. I love the idea of wearing all your favorites on you wrist. Have fun collecting!

    1. I loved yoga. Now I just have to DO IT. I'm going to be on the lookout during all my ramblings for charms to add to my bracelet. The good thing is that sterling is so much cheaper than gold.

  3. You have done very well! The only thing I can "top" you on is that I have read more books and have seen two movies! None of this much effort. Maybe this post will inspire me to get moving!!!!

    1. You have truly been on a roll with your reading. One of the best things we can do, IMO. You accomplish a great deal more than you give yourself credit for!!

  4. Hello Sanda

    You have accomplished a lot. Five books read, brava. I have read two books. I have been working (painting) as our art show is Feb. 28 and life has been hectic. I have missed reading my favourite blogs and commenting and it will be like this for another month.
    Helen xx

    1. You have been busy creating beautiful art! And in the sun. What could be better and more productive than that? Good luck with the upcoming art show.

  5. Collecting charms is so much fun - I had a great collection, all meaningful to me, and many of them from my children. Sadly it was taken in a house burglary. I started again, but it was never quite the same. I have seen a lot of movies in January (trying to escape the summer heat), but really not achieved much otherwise. The planned decluttering never happened. Here's to cooler days and more action in February :)

    1. How sad that your memories on your charm bracelet were taken from you? It feels strange to learn people are actually trying to escape the heat of summer while NAmerica and Europe are having such coldness! Movies seem to be a good thing during your heatwave. And you are so right: we can start anew with any goal tomorrow!

  6. I must admit my January was quite unproductive, still reading the same book..
    I have had about all my medical appointments over with.
    I started a silver charms bracelet for Merit when she was a small girl.
    Money was scarce at the time and having the charm jointed was quite expensive.
    She now plans to give it to Mariel one day!
    Having a lazy start on February too.

    1. I was afraid having the charms attached would be an expensive effort. However, it's done differently now. In the old days, when I had my other charm bracelet, the charms were soldered on. No more; too expensive. They now are attached with a little ring that functions like the ring on a key ring - pieces overlap each other in the circle so they can't come apart and lose the key/charm. Brilliant!

      It's nice the charm bracelet continues to be passed down. A real family heirloom.

  7. A shiver went through me when I say the 'The Boy in the Blue Striped pyjamas' book,which I have never read watching the film was so sad,
    tragic that I wept most of the time.
    Very little accomplished here the weather has stopped much out door work,even have to drag Oska out he hates the rain! Am on my 2nd book.
    Hopefully more action in February,we had a quick burst of sun this AM,managed to clean and sort out the boot area,HB tends to just dump
    things in all the wrong baskets.
    Happy February to you,and your furry guys.

    1. I haven't seen the movie of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas; dont think I want to; the book was quite enough for me. So good but so sad. Judith,you should give us a list of your favorite reads! Don't all HBs just dump things??? Poor little Oska, don't blame him for hating the rain!

  8. I've heard of a couple of those books but can't say I've read any of them. I, too, have been busy reading; I added a reading list to my blog for 2014, something I've thought of doing for a long time. January was very unsatisfying in that both Bill and I were ill: he with a virus of some sort, I with a tooth infection. Both of us are better now, thankfully. My rental house has been trashed by the tenants and I was so angry (not to mention quite stressed about the repair costs) that I have been looking for a new manager. I think I've settled on one and just have a few ends to tidy up. It's difficult to deal with all this on a long-distance basis. So I suppose January has been productive, just not in the way I wanted it to be. Stopped all exercise for 2 weeks - just got out for a short run today. I have a silver charm bracelet from my teenaged years and I have my Aunt Rita's gold charm bracelet. I doubt I would add to either, but I should get them out and wear them - maybe both at the same time! That might be fun!

    1. Sorry to hear both of you were ill, but glad things are better now.

      I had a silver charm bracelet in high school with all sorts of young girl charms, diploma, 45 RPM and the like. It's been lost over time and wish so much I still had it. Now I'm wanting a silver "adult" charm bracelet. Yes, by all means, get them out and wear them.

  9. Your bracelet looks gorgeous, I love your charm selection! as a rule I never do New Year's resolutions since my goals are always set when the need to change something arises. This year hover the need for change coincided with New Years so you may say I've made my first New Year resolution ;-) I've decided to rigorously clean out my closet and sell, donate, toss all things I haven't used in over a year. It's a rule I hope to implement without mercy in 2014. Wish me luck!

    1. I do wish you luck because decluttering is so difficult (for me anyway). The One year test is a good one. Hope you have dug out from your snowstorm by now.

  10. Always enjoy looking at what your are reading. I really like your charm bracelet. Mine is from the time my children were small and I don't think I've added to it in the last 30 years. It is pretty full in any case.


    1. The popularity of charm bracelets seems to come and go. Do you ever wear it? Will certainly be something to hand down to children/grandchildren.

  11. You really have been a very busy reader during January Sanda.
    I so much want to get the book thief..
    Your charm bracelet is so lovely. I think it a great idea to add to it.
    My sister has one, its so full , that she cannot wear it now.
    I am trying to do the same. No resolutions, finished with those.. but i do want to try and get projects finished.
    So far things are going well.
    January seemed to fly.
    It was also a healing month for me and the family. We have spent much time together during the month.
    February is with us. 2 birthdays this month. So it will be a busy month.
    nice post Sanda.
    wish you a happy week val xxx

    1. The Book Thief is definitely a good one. So good that your family has spend time together during your period of grief. February, the short month, can seem so LONG because we are looking forward to spring. The birthdays will be fund. We have one February birthday in the family, the daughter.
