Monday, February 17, 2014

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Quick, name the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

How many did you remember? (I only got two correct!)

How can it be that something we once knew can be forgotten?

Here's the answer:

The Great Pyramid of GizzaThe only ancient world wonder that still exists.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon
A 16th-century hand-colored engraving by Dutch artist Maarten van Heemskerck with the Tower of Babel in the background

Statue of Zeus at Olympia
A fanciful reconstruction of Phidias' statue of Zeus, in an engraving made by Philippe Galle in 1572, from a drawing by Maarten van Heemskerck

Temple of Artemis
This model of the Temple of Artemis, also known as the Temple of Diana, in Istanbul, Turkey, attempts to recreate the probable appearance of the first temple
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
Scale model of a reconstruction of the Mausoleum, one of many widely differing versions, in Istanbul.
The Colossus of Rhodes, as depicted in an artist's impression of 1880.
Lighthouse of AlexandriaA three-dimensional reconstruction based on a comprehensive 2006 study.

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 
was the first such list to be compiled
 and was based on guidebooks popular among Hellenic sightseers
 and only includes works located 
around the Mediterranean rim.  The number seven was chosen
 because the Greeks believed it represented perfection and plenty.
Many additional lists have been compiled 
from antiquity to the present day, 
to catalog the world's most spectacular
 natural wonders and man-made structures.

Various other lists include landmarks such as Stonehenge (England); Colosseum (Rome); the Catacombs (Egypt); Great Wall of China; Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italy); Taj Mahal (India) and others.

Images and information from Wikipedia

Were you made memorize this list in junior high school? I was, but I suppose it didn't stay with me very well!


    1. Oh, this is fun Sanda, and great images. I only got 3, so not much better. Of course, as soon as I see, I recognise them. Our education was quite classical compared to today; I doubt my children would know much about the Wonders.

      1. I suspect you are correct, Patricia. Such facts likely aren't mentioned in schools these days. I think it's interesting and something good to know.

    2. This is a perfect pub quiz question. I would have gotten 4 right, but would have thought the Sphinx and the Alexandria library were also ones.

      1. The two you mention could be on other lists, because I learned that "someone" is always making up a new list. Another good pub quiz would be The Seven Deadly Sins.

    3. You got me, totally. I would have said I got one right, but I just said 'The Pyramids' so that probably wouldn't work. I'm curious what criteria were applied and when to name these things the Wonders. Can't say they excite me that much to be honest. I might be interested in seeing the Pyramids but I'm too chicken to go. Sister-in-law and her husband did a trip on the Nile, with a guard on the back of the boat armed with a machine gun. Not my idea of fun.

      1. Well, I think The Pyramids is a perfectly acceptable answer. That's the way I remember it too. Time has taken its tole on all except the Pyramids. We can only see the others through an artist's rendition or a rebuilding of what they were thought to look like.

    4. Two for me,The Pyramids which I visited with my G/parents,now it is too touristie! + Lighthouse of A......forgot the rest.
      Another informative post,thanks Sanda.

      1. You are fortunate to have seen the Pyramids.It amazes me that such structures as these could have been built in ancient times. And we think we're so modern!!

    5. The Pyramids were the only thing that struck a chord with me. I don't remember studying these in Jr. Hi. Then again Jr. Hi was so long ago I barely remember anything about it. Fun information though.


      1. It seems the type of question that would be posed on game shows on TV. Jr. High was a long time ago for me as well.

    6. I don´t remember the list from my school time.
      The landmarks, however rang a bell.

      1. I am not sure what kicked off the memory for me, but there it was and I tried to name all of them but could only recall two.

    7. i was always fascinated by the hanging gardens, and i don't even think there's proof they actually existed lol such an idea, though!

      1. I'll have to read up on the Hanging Gardens and find out!

    8. I remember two...wonder if we remembered the same ones??? Always good to bring these things to remembrance even though I probably won't remember tomorrow!

      1. I should have mentioned which ones I remembered. The Pyramids and The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

    9. The 7 Ancient Wonders of The World were: the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Greece. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. The Colossus of Rhodes. The Lighthouse of Alexandria, Egypt.
