Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Two Years of Blogging, a Hat for Katie and Snow

This post was to have appeared yesterday but was prevented due to computer updates in progress.

Two years ago I posted my first blog. Has it really been that long since I began this journey?

Writing this blog has been, and continues to be, a rewarding pleasure. Sharing my interests, passions and opinions has been an outlet for me and a way of connecting with like-minded people.

Thanks to those who have chosen to follow me, to those who regularly or occasionally read my posts and especially to those who engage in a two-way dialogue. I feel I have come to know you and I do appreciate and enjoy the friendships that have ensued.

A glance at the stats provided by Blogger reveal:
Here are posts that have received the most page views (all time history):

Who knows why some posts more viewed than others?

But on other topics.

As mentioned previously, I've been knitting. I made a hat and two headbands for Katie:

This was my first attempt at making a hat and the first baby item I've ever knitted. I'll definitely be doing more! They take so little time compared to knitting for adults. I have started a little sweater, but have had to put it aside for a few days due to soreness that developed in my right arm. Sitting for too long and performing repetitive movements has caused pain and inflammation. Have you ever had a similar problem?

And the weather! This is a view at the back of the house yesterday.

It snow melted by midday yesterday but much more was predicted last night and today. It didn't arrive until late this afternoon and it's still falling. I expect I'll have nice snow pictures to post tomorrow.

I hope you are having a good week. All comments are appreciated!


  1. Your snow is just beautiful! Snow looks so much better when you're retired and don't have to get anywhere.

  2. What a beautiful child is Little Katie, and the hat is gorgeous, Sanda. You will have such fun knitting for her as she grows. A lovely snow scene, and the promise of more to come - heavenly! Happy Blog Anniversary, and congratulations. I really enjoy it; you tell many interesting stories, and I love that you live in Alabama, where our daughter spent 8 weeks as an exchange student about 20 years ago. We always feel we have a special connection there.

    1. We ended up not getting as much snow as expected/predicted although some areas near us got 6 inches. We only got 2. Enough for the dogs to enjoy and to make the roads a bit treacherous. Thank you, Patricia, for visiting my blog, and your gracious comments. I didn't know your daughter had spent time in Alabama!

  3. Knitting for babies is fun isn't it? I really like the hat with that addition of the flower. Of course the model is adorable. I've not had a lot of trouble with hand/arm pain from knitting but one of the things on my "someday" list is to learn to knit "Continental style" The experts tell me it is much easier on hands and joints.


    1. Thanks, Darla! I have been people knit the Continental style and have tried doing the stitch but it's not comfortable for me. Might be worth practicing up until it gets comfortable; I'd do anything to avoid that army pain I had last week. Good info to know.

  4. Congratulations Sanda and thank you for the two years. You have a wide selection of topics you write about, so it is always a surprise to click on your blog.
    Many more happy blogging years !

    It is surprising to get snow in your part of the States, isn´t it?
    This winter has been quite tricky all around the world. So far, not much snow over here and mild below zero temperatures ( I like it ).

    Katie looks so pretty!!
    Just today, visiting Mariel, my daughter said, she´d wish to get a broad headband for Mariel. And now I see one on Katie!

    1. I suppose my mind just goes in so many directions I never know what's coming next.

      It is quite unusual, although not unheard of, to get snow here. Have had a few big snows in years past. Colder winter everywhere this year, it seems.

      Those headbands seem to be very popular for babies these days. I think they are so cute.

  5. Katie has such a mischevious look in the first photo,the hats are adorable.
    Headbeads seem to be high fashion for babies, see them often when out.
    As Mette mentioned did not think you had snow in Alabama,still with this weird weather anything can drop out of the sky.

    How time flies when you are in blogger heaven,have sincerely enjoyed sharing your journey,long may it continue.

    1. Katie so resembles her father in that first photo! Thank you, Judith, for being there early on. I believe you were my second follower!

  6. Can't believe it's been two years since you began. Even though I know you pretty well, I have learned a lot and recalled lots of things I had forgotten. You continue to amaze me in your wide variety of interest. Katie is adorable...did you see FB pictures today..just precious!

    1. I did see those photos today. She's such a photogenic child!

      Oh dear, I do ramble on sometimes. Thanks for listening to my stories over the years!

  7. Gorgeous little hat and head band for a cute little girl - congratulations on 2 years of blogging - doesn't time go fast when you are having fun?

    1. Thank you, Rosemary. I never thought I'd start a blog but so glad I did. Get to meet interesting people from all over.
