Friday, March 14, 2014

March is the Cruelest Month

image via Pinterest

I must differ with T.S. Eliot, whose poem "The Waste Land,” widely regarded as one of the most important poems of the 20th century, declared the distinction belonged to April.

I’ve always thought March to be the cruelest -- because it teases us, taunts us, tricks us. At least that's the case where I live. 

Oh sure, it’s not the coldest; we have December, January and February to thank for that. But come March, we are teased with tantalizing warm days here and there. We peer and see a few green sprigs and declare, “Ah, spring can’t be far behind.”

But arising from warm beds and gazing on a gloomy and bleak landscape outside our window, we find hungry cardinals pecking at the frozen earth and waiting to be fed. Winds gnash against the window pane, we sigh and say, “perhaps tomorrow.”

March ekes out a few warm days. In the house or car it appears warm enough to don gloves and tools and go dig in the garden. But upon stepping outside the cold wind whips across our face and we race back indoors.

Are we wishing our lives away, waiting for the next good thing? Aren’t we to enjoy what each and every moment brings? I chastise myself, remove my coat and grab a book……And dream of a warmer day tomorrow.

When I can gather a few sweet flowers.


  1. I agree March is tricky and cruel. If it does warm up enough to pot up some plants, the wind turns the pots over because it has dried all the moisture from the soil and they are bone dry and wilted. May be that we are wishing valuable time away but I'm so ready for warm sunny days! I'm tired of deciding what to read next!
    The pictures are so sweet!

    1. Dedicated gardener that you are, I know you are itching to dig in the dirt! The rain today will hopefully green up things. Each time we have a nighttime low predicted to be in the 30s I think maybe it'll be the last. Let's hope after this week we'll be frost free !

  2. Aha, so this year the seasons are dragging their feet about the changeover. You are getting that cold wind, and after a hint of Autumn in the air, we are back to another heatwave - 36 C forecast the next few days! :(
    But best not wish our lives away, I'll go and read my book about Italy!

    1. Oh dear; you too, except the opposite. Reading and dreaming of your upcoming trip to Italy seems like a good plan!

  3. i agree. every time there's a hint of spring and i go out to enjoy it, it turns into a wet windy coldness. i don't think we're wishing our lives away; we're going stir crazy, longing to be outside for a change. maybe our bodies are crying out for light and vitamin d lol

    1. Yes I think you are correct. A few things are beginning to bud and that gives me hope!

  4. Here in Tulsa I have needed the air-conditioning to get to sleep and the heater in the morning. And visa versa. Is March the month that comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb?

    1. I know! One night I'm in thin cotton sleeping attire and the next I get in my flannel pjs. Yes, it's March they say that about.

  5. March is indeed cruel: swapping ballet flats for boots and then pulling boots out again the next day. Mostly we're just so tired of the cold and the dark that we want the first warm fragrant spring day to last forever!

    1. It must be the same everywhere this year. We all talk about it and can't do a darn thing about it. Makes us feel better tho!

  6. I agree,yesterday coffee on the terrace in the sun,today freezing cold north wind brrr,heating back on!!

    1. We have to be adaptable, if anything. Hope today is a terrace day for you.

  7. March in Finland is usually snowy. The nights are cold, but sun brings some warmth during the day time.
    This year, however, we lost all our snow, but alas - this Saturday morning a 5 cm. sheet of snow covered everything outside. It is still snowing and the nights are well below zero for the the next week.
    Cruel, indeed.

    1. I shouldn't complain since you have it so much colder there. Happy Sunday to you and hoping Kimie is much better by now.
