Thursday, April 24, 2014

An Unfinished Project - Please Help!

Hello again!

Those of you who know me likely knew I've been in the garden nonstop since the weather FINALLY turned warm.

And that's exactly what I've been up to. Mind you, I'm only doing clean up, and there's tons of that to attend to.

I don't plan to start any new things this year - but concentrate instead on taking care of what I already have. And that's a lot!

I have had in mind for a year or more that I wanted to make note cards from my photographs. I even bought the stationary required to print from the computer; I gathered many photos into a file. And that's where I left it.
I kept thinking I'd make the cards when I became better at taking pictures but that may never happen.

So now I'm thinking it's time to make that happen.

Below are a few of the photos I set aside for the finished project. And I need your help.

Please choose a favorite!

1.  Flowering Cherry Tree

2.  Moon in the Night Sky

3. Chive Blossom

4.  Hydrangea #1

5.  Gardenia

6.  White Petunia

7.  Pink Petunia

8.  Hydrangea #2

9.  Magnolia Blossom

10. Day-lily

11. Scented Geranium

12. Magnolia #2

13. New Dawn Rose Bush

14. New Dawn Rose Cluster

15. Alabama Peaches

16. Late Afternoon Sky

17. Sunset

18. Clouds at Sunset

19. Butterfly on Zinnia
I haven't been able to view and comment on the Blogs I usually visit daily, but I hope to be back with you soon.

Thank you very much for your input on the above photographs!


  1. Hello Sanda

    Enjoy gardening.

    Your images are superb and I have a hard time selecting favourites.
    I adore Magnolias, gardenia,roses and your sunset and oh so many. They are all beautiful

    Helen xx

  2. These are all some of the prettiest flower pics I've ever seen. It is hard to decide but this is what I like best ...hydrangea (of course) solid blue; gardenia; magnolia and the cherry blossoms. Great work!!! Don't work too hard in garden!!! See u soon.

  3. How do you mean "get better at taking photos"? Your photos are gorgeous! You have an eye for composition but I really think you excel at capturing the light as well as the energy of the objects you photograph.
    If I had to choose one, I'd pick Late afternoon sky because of the warm caramel colours :-) Very nostalgic photo!

  4. So difficult to choose, Sanda, as they are all excellent! Love the cherry tree, hydrangea, chive, and the pink petunia. Sounds like you are having a lovely time working in your beautiful garden. Happy weekend.

    1. I'm leaning toward the cherry blossoms too!

  5. No 18 Clouds at Sunset is my choice,there are so many flowery notelets around where we are so perphaps twilight scenes would be more refreshing to the eye?

  6. Flowering cherry. New Dawn rose cluster. It is not the subject matter so much as the composition of these photos that makes them first choice for me. All your photos are lovely but those two seem to lead the eye from the edge of the paper across the whole. In art they say they "read well". Just my two cents. I think it is super that you are going to make your own cards.


    1. I respect the opinion of an artist such as yourself!

  7. Your photos are all so beutiful.
    I fancy the Alabama peaches.. they look delicious.
    wishing you good luck making your own cards.. I thought about that at one time. But got caught up with other things.
    wishing you a happy weekend Sanda..
    I too cant catch up with everyone..
    but at sometime we all cross.
    val xxxx

    1. That peach is a favorite of mine, too, and I can't wait for peach season to return this year!

  8. i love all your photos, but i think i like the framing of the cherry blossoms best of all. any of them would make great cards, though. so pretty!

    1. Thanks you! The cherry blossoms seem to be a favorite.

  9. I guessed you have been in your garden ; ).
    All the pictures could be made into postcards.
    My favorites are the 2 Magnolias, as they are SO exotic to me and they are white!
    Please don´t overwork. Don´t forget the daily naps!

    1. Magnolias are one of the most beautiful flowing trees, plus they smell divine. When they bloom in June, I'm going to get more pictures.

  10. They are all great but I especially love the chive blossom and the flowering cherry tree.

    1. Hi Phillip! I aspire to be as good a photographer as you are!

  11. They are all great, but I'm drawn to the mystical nature of the second photo of the moon. I've often though of making notecards as well I took a bunch of photos in France and Italy with that in mind and have never done a thing...typical. What stationery did you buy for your project? What sort of printer will you be using? I think a packet of notecards with envelopes would make a great little gift!
