Monday, June 9, 2014


It’s been so long I hardly know what to say.

Southern Magnolia
I didn’t plan to be away from blogging this long. Just a break for a week or so. 

But then life happened, as they say. I won’t bore you with the many small incidents – none serious – that have occurred since I last posted. Let’s just say that the inefficiencies inherent in the system of EVER getting anything fixed or a problem solved, the time burden of helping run a second household, getting ready for and entertaining guests, have eaten away my time.

Add to that a high level of frustration that my ever kind and nonthreatening dogs were perceived as somehow a danger! All together these situations have prevented me from focusing on beauty and serenity and sitting down to write posts.

So I’m making this short, just to let you know I’m here and perfectly fine. I have missed you and look forward to visiting your blogs to see what you’ve been up to.

Who said life becomes simpler as we get older?  So far it seems to have become more complicated!


  1. Hello, all needed to say ;)!
    Oh and you spoil us with the picture of the Southern Magnolia, the one and the only! Thank you so much.
    Monday over here has been exhausting but so rewarding, as I have spent the whole day with the three M´s in one way or another. My life has not got any simpler dividing my time with the three M´s ; ).
    Now it´s only Marla at Hagalund and I am already in my nightgown.
    I wish you to know, that it is feels so good to have you back!!!

    1. Thank you, Mette. If feels good to be able to rejoin my blogging friends. Being silent a few weeks made me realize how much I enjoy it

  2. I find that although I have lost my illusions and my money and my youth and ... so many things, life becomes simpler as I grow older. Of course, as I'm typing this, I am furiously "touching wood" as we say in French !! I simplify a lot and tend to be more and more minimalist, I think that's why. Anyway, welcome back to the world of the bloggers; I have just added you to my blog list as I realized your lovely blog wasn't in it. Looking forward to reading your next post ! xxx

    1. I really try to lead a simple, minimalist life but am not always so successful. Things keep popping up that demands my attention. Of course, I know I make some things more difficult for myself; for instance, the garden projects I take on! But this is one thing I really enjoy, but I wonder how many more years I'll be able to keep up with the pace I now keep. Thanks for your comment!

  3. Welcome back, sorry it wasn't a planned break full of fun! I agree that life is a lot more complicated than it was when we were younger. On the other hand, I do feel as though I can choose not to pick up things that seem too complicated. I've just finished doing my US taxes (ex-pats get two extra months). It was a miserable experience and I'm going to look for an accountant to hand it to before this time next year.

    1. Oh dear , the taxes! Such a pain. You seem to always be busy with your projects. Perhaps some of mine are a bit too complicated!

  4. Hello Sanda
    Lovely to see you have returned. Take all the time you like but don't leave us.
    Sorry to hear about your dogs being misunderstood.
    The magnolia is beautiful

    Helen xx

    1. Thank you, Helen. No I won't leave. I found out how much I enjoy reading all your blogs and reading your comments here by being absent a few weeks. I will catch up with your blog posts soon. Yes, the dog scenario was not a good experience.

  5. I am delighted that you are back with us again Sanda - I had been concerned that something was amiss with you. How unkind to know that someone has perceived your non threatening dogs as a danger, I do hope that the episode is now over.
    The magnolia is beautiful, I love their tasselled yellow and red stamens against the pure white waxy petals.

    1. Thank you for your concern, Rosemary. I kept thinking I should at least post a quick note to say I was OK but that life had just temporarily gotten out of control. Perhaps at some later time I'll discuss the details of the dog story but it's still to fresh just yet. Hopefully a resolution can be reached I do love my magnolia tree. It's a huge tree and some years it blooms more profusely than others; not so many this year, which makes me appreciate them all the more. The fragrance is divine; perfumes the entire garden.

  6. Those sweet doggies would not harm a flea! Although I knew your "whereabouts" glad to see you back. Enjoy reading your post so much and I can almost smell those magnolia blooms. You are handling and keeping up with "things" great sis! Good job!

    1. We do know that Val and Kris are the least threatening dogs ever! You and I do have our challenges keeping mother going but we just take it day by day. Thanks for your vote of confidence!

  7. Welcome back, Sanda, and the beautiful magnolias are serenity itself. Thinking of you over the weekend I planned to make comment to ask if all is well. Your beautiful dogs, we know, are very gentle - let's hope the perception has been put to rest and all is now well. Big kiss to little Katie! Best of luck with all of life's challenges, Sanda.

    1. Patricia you are so sweet! Gentle yes. And truly members of the family. It hurts when they have to be penalized for something they've never been guilty of. Little Katie is growing, has her first tooth and crawling around everywhere. We all have our challenges that must be dealt with don't we?

  8. It's nice to hear from you but we ALL understand! Life gets crazy and the next thing you know...time has slipped away. I love being retired but I'm busier than ever...and happier, too! Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

    1. And great to hear from you as well. Retirement has not brought restful ness into my life. Love your blog name!

  9. Happy to hear all is ok,thought about you at the w/e,guessed you were busy in the garden.How all you bloggers' find the time to post in your hectic lives.....glad you do as I would not have met you:)
    Life here at the Barn is busy with many projects,and future plans, 2014 is turning into an incredible year.
    Valerie & Kris seen as threatening unthinkable.Oska send licks & woofs in agreement:)!

    1. I have had ongoing chores in the garden. We have had tons of rain and all the weeds are growing fast as the plants. Val and Kris appreciate Oska's good wishes. Glad the year is going well for you!

  10. What beautiful magnolia blossoms! I think one reason life gets more complicated as we get older is that we're looking after other people and their difficulties more. I hope things smooth out for you. :)

    1. Well said and perfectly describes life here. Ups and downs. Just have to stay calm and take it as it comes!

  11. Happy to see you back posting. It seems to me retirement just means leaving one job for another. A paying job for an unpaid one. Hope things calm down for you soon.


  12. Thanks, Darla. I agree with you -- one job for another. But at least we're doing SOME of the things we WANT to do!
