Friday, June 20, 2014

Have You Had Your Sassy Water Today?

A hot summer day -- like today -- wouldn't be complete without a pitcher of Sassy Water. I make it right after I finish my breakfast and coffee, and drink it throughout the day. So refreshing!

If you've never tried it, you should. Besides tasting good, it's chock full of beneficial nutrients. You can read more in two of my previous posts about Sassy Water, here and here.

If you're using cucumbers from the grocer (which are waxed), it's best to peel them, which I've done with today's pitcher. Later, when fresh cucumbers are available from farmers' markets, or in my case, from the little potager garden, don't peel them; there are many nutrients contained in the peel as well.

A recent addition I've made to my Sassy Water is fresh, sliced ginger, if I happen to have it. Ginger is well known for its many health benefits, including dulling the appetite; helping improve absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body; clearing sinuses; helping with nauseous feelings; reducing flatulence; lessening mensuration cramps; helping joint pain; clearing throat and nose congestion; and many others benefits.

Plus, ginger adds a faint zip to the taste. I add 3-4 slices to a half-gallon pitcher.

Make Sassy Water in the morning and drink it throughout the day. Just keep adding fresh water and keep in the refrigerator. You can reuse the additions another day, but after two days, toss them and start all over again.

Pour it into one of your prettiest glasses, drag out a seldom used linen napkin and enjoy!


  1. No, never heard of Sassie water, but i think you might have mentioned it on previous posts.
    I love cucumber.
    Recently I have been pickling my cucumber with cider vinager ..its an old recipe of my mum's.. ideal for salads..
    I must try this recipe of yours.
    Thanks for sharing it Sanda.
    wishing you a good weekend.
    val xx

    1. Hello Val, so are you growing the cucumbers? I have one plant blooming so it won't be long until I have a little crop. I have never pickled them, but really enjoy eating them fresh. A neighbor brought me a bag of them yesterday. Hope you enjoy the water.

  2. Now the recipe of THIS is something even I could manage with ; ).
    Only not right now, as our temperatures are less than 50F´s. The scent of cucumber lingers long in a room, a pleasant one.
    Tap water is what I usually drink when I´m thirsty.
    Thank you for reminding.

    1. Tap water is fine. I used to buy the bottled, but no more. It seems people either love or detest cucumbers. They do have a very unique scent. I think you'll enjoy this water "recipe."

  3. Sassy water sounds just right for this refreshing drink.75f here today and my drink is limes in water cold straight from the fridge,am a fan of ginger maybe I will add some when I make up another jug.

    1. Adding cucumber, lemon and ginger makes this drink very nutritious, as well as refreshing on a hot day. Glad to hear you are having nice weather!

  4. Sassy water is a cute name, and something I could make. I don't like cucumber, but maybe with lemon and ginger it would work for me! I think you must be having some very hot weather over there, Sanda!

    1. It has been rather hot the past week; summer has definitely arrived. Here we are in midsummer and you're in midwinter so this drink might not be exactly right for your season now.. The lemon/ginger would be lovely.

  5. I often put a slice of lemon in a glass of water but haven't tried the cucumber. We use a lot of ginger so always have that on hand. Will have to give it a try. I like your pretty blue glass and embroidered napkin.


    1. I have a little luncheon cloth and four napkins that match. Blue in the summertime makes me happy. That glass is an old Fostoria pattern.I had pink in the same pattern, my sister had blue and we "swapped" a few years ago. I seldom use them; they usually reside in the china cabinet.

  6. When we have our next warm day (fingers crossed) I may have to try this one! I won't be able to fit a pitcher into the fridge, but I think it will be cool and refreshing all the same! Great recipe - a change from the usual lemon slices (though I love them too!)

    1. Yes, you can just keep adding ice. Did you find, when you first moved to England, that you were thought "odd" because you wanted ice, and lots of it, in your cold drink? I found that to be the case when I visited there. The hotels where our tour group stayed were accustomed to American tourists and placed an ice chest in the hallway near our rooms! Wasn't that nice?

  7. Sanda...thank you for the great suggestions ...have a great day

  8. Mona, I've missed you! How are the cat boys?
