Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Independence Day

How are you celebrating the Fourth of July?

Parades, flying of the flag, picnics, cookouts, eating watermelon and vacations at the beach are part of this national holiday. 

Firework displays are another. Large, professional fireworks displays are common in cities large and small. But many people choose their personal displays at home. Each little town might offer them for sale at stands such as this. 

Fireworks may be illegal in some states/cities. How about where you live? If you live outside the U.S., what are the traditions and rules?

This booth was set up in the grocery store parking lot in my town. Yesterday they were conducting a booming business (this phot was taken earlier in the week when no customers were present.)

However you choose to celebrate the day, here's hoping you have a blast!


  1. Our day will be mostly quiet. I don not like to be one the roads on holidays if I don't have to be. Fireworks are illegal to sell/buy although you occasionally hear a few going off so people get them somewhere. There is a big public fireworks display over the Bay and we call see most of it from our sun room.
    Have a safe and fun holiday whatever you do.


  2. We went to the 'burbs to watch the official fireworks display with family there. Individual fireworks are illegal here (but the stands selling them pop up just over the county line around the holidays), though a blind eye is turned around the 4th and New Year's Eve.

  3. Happy Independence Day,enjoy your weekend.

  4. A Happy Independence Day to you Sanda!
    Fireworks are allowed in Finland within time limits. Not liking shooting money on the sky, but when the daughters were still at home, my husband bought some smaller ones. None of that anymore.

  5. Very quiet one...With my sweet sister and mother and Wayne. . Had watermelon that was delicious. Lots of fresh veggies, baked beans and the traditional hotdog! Just thankful for our country and another 4th of July!

  6. It passed unnoticed in our house this year, and has done for about a decade. When I first came over I celebrated by putting a flag out on display, but I don't bother much anymore. I don't even miss the fireworks (they do those here on 5 November & at New Years, plenty fireworks for me!)
