Wednesday, July 2, 2014

What to Wear?

My shopping excursion last week was not a huge success. The goal was to find "something" for an upcoming high school class reunion. I didn't know exactly what I was looking for and believe me, I found nothing.

Yes, there are many choices out there. The current style seems to be blouses large and sloppy enough to hide any flaws one chooses to; short and wide tops, many in the most outrageous prints. Oh, to be sure, there were a few in soft linen and nice colors but I can't get past the largeness of them.

These ridiculous tops are paired with equally large skirts with uneven hemlines. This is not my style or preference. Or one could choose pants, usually capri-style, which I also don't like.

So....what shall I wear? 

I imagine I'll pull out one of my LBDs. Boring? Perhaps. But it is, after all, my favorite look and I think it might work for the occasion. There's to be no particular dress code for the event, and I'm sure there'll be no shortage of looks on display -- everything from casual capris and tees, to church dresses/suits, to swinging chiffon numbers.

I could wear my LBD with a rounded neckline

Or the one with a V-neck

 I might accessorize with my classic strand of real pearls
or jazz it up with my clunky costume pearls

 Or would this be better?

Of course, I might make my large pearl studs the only jewelry and throw on the white linen scarf which also serves as a wrap in coolish rooms

Oh dear, and what about shoes?

Do I wear the classic black pumps?

And speaking of shoes, the shopping expedition last week wasn't totally unsuccessful, as I bought summer espadrilles. Not for wearing with LBDs, but will serve me well with jeans and summer skirts.

Wait, I also bought a second pair, something soft and comfy but still somewhat stylish

On second thought, maybe I'll just ditch the jewelry and pin a creamy white gardenia on my shoulder......or in my hair.

 I don't fret about clothes and outfits all that much these days. But for some reason I'm giving extra thought to what I should wear to the reunion.


  1. I think the rounded neck or v neck would be good with the real pearls...always good for almost any occasion. Love the shoes. ..Both look just like you. I know whatever you decide will be just right as you always look just right! Hope it's a great event.

    1. Ha, I am very predictable, am I not? So its no new outfit for me. That's OK I am going to enjoy wearing these new summer shoes. You are very kind!

  2. I love all your choices, Sanda...the round neck dress would look fantastic with one of those white gardenias pinned on, but the pearls are gorgeous too. The white linen scarf is beautiful, and a perfect accessory to take along. Love both pairs of shoes, and would have pounced on them if they had been in the shops here!

    1. The shoes were an unexpected surprise. I needed summer shoes but hadn't really planned to buy until I saw the espadrilles and knew I had to have them. The other pair were on sale at such a good price that I couldn't pass them up. The scarf will come in handy, as I often find myself cold during the summer in air-conditioned rooms.

  3. I " third " the above opinions. Round neck dress, real pearls, linen scarf and your classic black pumps.
    Let your personality shine. You are slim and don´t need anything to cover anything!
    But, but----what about THE bag?

    1. Oh yes, a bag. I haven't quite worked that out yet, but will dig through my remaining collection and decide. I have a smallish black Kelley-style bag that I think might work. Nothing too large for this occasion. I think it will be the round neck dress, as the V-neck is a thicker fabric and might be too much for summer. The shawls are great for covering up arms in sleeveless dresses on we women of a certain age.

  4. Sanda I'm sure you'll look great in a LBD and pearls. I would think twice about wearing a flower in my hair though. My mother was photographed that way in the 1940s and she looked lovely. However when I moved to Salt Lake City one of the stories I heard about polygamous wives was that the one that was going to have her husband's attention that night wore a flower in her's put me off that idea ever since! And there is a line in one of the Downton Abbey programmes where the Countess tells her daughter Mary to take the flower out of her hair...something about stop showing off. Not sure what it meant in that context. You could always wear a gardenia on your wrist, or as you said on you shoulder. I've never been to a high school re-union. Perhaps I should try one before they're all gone!

    1. Interesting story about the flower in the hair in Salt Lake City. Oh, I don't recall that DA line of Mary's flower in her hair. I think one must be rather bold to wear a flower in the hair, but I have done it a few times in the past few years. The great thing about a gardenia in the hair is the treat of getting to smell it all day. I find high-school reunions a mixed bag. I like them and I hate them. Everyone looks so old, especially the men!

  5. Rounded neck,am with Mette on the rest especially real pearls:) You look elegant in black as per your profile photo.
    What about your legs,colour of tights/stockings?

    1. Thank you Judith. With a black dress/pumps, I'll do the "barely black" sheer stockings. I am not one to go without hosiery, even in summer, when wearing dresses. Many, or most do, here at least because of the heat. I remember in past years going to dept. store hosiery section and the selections were endless. However, last week I bought and was astounded about how that department has shrunken. No one buys any more, except we "older women."

    2. Good to read that you are not going without hosiery, even when it is hot. Neither could I. And the barely black are perfect.
      Yes, you are spot on - how come do all the others look so terribly old? Women with gray hair, quite shapeless and men gray too with a beach ball on their belly ; )?

  6. I don't go to high school reunions any more. The people I knew in high school don't seem to go in for that. We had a huge graduating class, so I'm surrounded by strangers when I go. We always had events that either had a dress code ("dressy casual", for example) or that were self-explanatory as to dress expectations (such as "picnic"). No understanding of what the dress expectations are would be enough to keep me away! lol

    1. Ten years ago we had one and folks were dressed every way imaginable. So I expect the same this year. It's to be held at a hotel/lodge on the riverbanks at 6 p.m. and there's a ballroom reserved for our event. People don't really get wound up about what to wear like they once did. Anything goes, it seems.

  7. The classic look of an LBD seems to be perfect here. I expect you wear the look well. Have fun at the reunion.

