Sunday, August 31, 2014

Bags of books

It's difficult to resist sifting through tables of books when, for one dollar, you can fill a bag. 

And I didn't, when I stopped by the local library to return a book and discovered this sale. Those pictured actually filled two plastic shopping bags because two of them were quite large and heavy. 

Would I have purchased them at their regular used book price? Maybe not. But here's the reason for the choices I made:

The Secret History by Donna Tartt - I have read this book recently but it was stored on my Kindle reader, which is now "gone" because I inadvertently placed it in the washing machine. I bought this for my sister. 

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck - read it decades ago but don't own a copy. I may want to reread it someday. 

The Cat who Came for Christmas by Cleveland Amory - Sounds like a fun read. Gave it to my brother-in-law. 

The Shell Seekers by Rosamunde Pilcher - I have this one in paperback and have read it more than once. Love it and wanted a hardback copy. 

Perrine's Literature - am not familiar with this college textbook but noticed it includes several authors' stories/poems I want to read. Very heavy book, in both weight and content!

Eat More Weigh Less - contains some good low-fat recipes. 

Fortune's Favorites by Colleen McCullough - have never heard of this book. Picked it because my sister loved The Thorn Birds by this author. It's hers when she's ready for it. 

I came home with lots of books for $2. Have you read any of these?  Do you ever buy second-hand books?


  1. I'm so glad you went book shopping! Especially since Wayne and I came home with some of them. You did great shopping as it seems like we're having trouble keeping enough to read these days!

  2. I am such a sucker for those library bag of books sales. It sounds like you got some great titles.

  3. Hello Sanda,

    We buy many secondhand books and your haul is a treasure trove for a fraction of the usual price. Like you, we are often tempted by hardback copies of books we have read or own in paperback. There is something so wonderfully permanent about having titles in hardback and, always, we are drawn to titles in paper copy rather than digital.

  4. We do not have second hand book shops in Portugal.
    There are the old book shops with classic books to purchase.. in Lisbon.
    I have read the Thorn Birds...many years ago. I really enjoyed it.
    I think you have bought some good buys there Sanda.. gosh for only 2 dollars.
    Happy reading.

  5. What a bargain! I mainly use the library but pick up used books from time to time but never at such a price. I also trade books with family and friends. I read Shell Seekers and Grapes of Wrath from your list.


  6. I haven't read any of these. So many books, so little time. I love that pricing scheme, though. It' a winner!

  7. So you brought books inside just when I took plenty books out and rearranged our library shelves according to themes.
    What we have left, are selected history books, interior design books ( naturally ), books about psychiatry, psychology, art, horses, dogs, Finlandia, Nobel winners, old encyclopedias, non-fiction books, genealogy books, dictionaries and 3! cook books!
    I was merciless, threw away everything I disliked ( please don´t tell my husband ).
    I have not read any of the books you bought.
    And ( my humor ) I never buy secondhand anything. Yes I am a snob, lol.

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  9. I haven't read any of these. So many books, so little time. I love that pricing scheme, though. It' a winner!

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