Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Next Chapter

If you regularly visit this blog, you'll notice my posts have been rather sparse of late. I think about blogging a great deal, but quite frankly, there's just not a lot more I want to say here.

I started the Halcyon Days blog in February 2012. I was spending 10 hours each day away from home
at my workplace, yet I still posted a blog every day. One of my objectives for starting it was discipling myself to write EVERY day. 

I shared a portion of my life: my interests in cooking, gardening, reading. You came to know my dear dogs and followed the story of the cat who came to eat and stayed and gave birth to six kittens. I showed photos of family, the area where I live; told you family stories -- both recent and from days long past. You saw photos of my clothes, accessories, my hair styles and items found while shopping. You learned my position on certain current issues and came to "know" me through the blog. 

To those who have followed me on this journey I say thank you -- you have often been the highlight of my day and I feel I know you, too. The interaction through comments posted have been the highlight of the blog. I will continue to read your blogs and comment as time permits. I don't want to lose you forever. 

Having said the above, I feel it's time to move on. The stories that have been swimming and gestating in my head all these years must be written; some already have been; others are yet to come. They exist clearly but the challenge is to commit them to paper.

Time doesn't exist in our lives forever and if I don't tell my stories who will?  Is my objective to have them published? That remains to be seen but is not the reason I'm writing them. I'm doing so because I must. Even if other eyes never see them.

Are they fiction? Well, yes -- mostly at least! I'm a believer there's mostly no such thing however, unless the story presented itself in a dream. None of my stories did. Some are a part of my life, some happened to people I know, or stories told by family members and acquaintances. But fictionalized in a different place, time and circumstance. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. And the guilty

Here are some working titles for a short story collection:

JoBell and Aaron -- the story of a mother and her son
The Funeral -- Joan Dell's boring summer day
The Banker Takes Charge - managing money and other services 
I Love My Aunt -- playing the trump card
Poppy Takes Charge -- first time driving an automobile
Moon Over Mount Hood -- A long way from home and missing chocolate pie
Tales from the Cotton Patch -- shut up and take a nap
Rodeo Queens -- all the lovelies in their chiffon formals on a dusty football field
Getting Even in a Mustang -- a triumphant local returns
Drag Racing  -- Boys just want to have fun
Meet Me at the Frosty Dip -- small-town USA in the 60s
Dark Days, Judy's Story -- I wanted my step-father to die
Through an Open Window -- people are watching
Mr. A and the Negligee  -- having a blast at the taxpayers expense
Mama's Story -- Tales from the Great Depression
The Lost Family -- how do such things happen?
Priscilla's Story - coming to terms with the past
Roland's Revenge -- I hate my children because they are just like me
Letters from the Front -- two brothers write home during WWII
Betty Sue's Train Case -- an overnight guest owns many delightful things

If you have read this far and your eyes aren't completely glazed over, allow me to say this is only a short list of my stories. It's always been a curiosity to me that most things that happen in life become a plot for a story. I've been doing this since I was a child. A vivid imagination? A need to right the wrongs of life? Escapism? I certainly do not know the answer. 

In the future I might post a story. If you are signed up for an email when I post you will be notified. I am not closing out the blog for that reason. 

Meanwhile, goodbye for a while. And thank you. 


  1. I understand what you are saying as my eldest son is a poet and writer. He wants to give up his work as a Geologist so that he can fulfil this need. It is scary for his wife but he has been saving avidly so that he can do it.
    Good luck with your writing, you will be missed, and I hope to see you here again at some stage in the future.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Rosemary. I will be stopping by your blog as time permits. And thank you for your comments here

  2. Boo hoo! I enjoyed and think I read most all posts. Understand though! I'm the lucky one though in that I will still talk to you everday!! Job well done Sis!

    1. Your comments here have always pleased me. Thanks for your loyalty in reading the blog and for being the best sister E V E R!

  3. I'll miss your posts but look forward to hearing about your stories. I subscribe to your blog's feed, so I'll get the notices that way, I guess?

    1. Any new post should appear on your blog feed. I'll give an update from time to time on how things are going.

  4. I'm sorry you're not planning to blog so much, but those story titles sound really interesting and I understand your need to write. Hope to hear from you about your progress!

    1. They are rough titles, and likely won't be the final ones, but right now they will have to do. Getting words written is the important task at hand.

  5. Sanda,congratulations on your new life goal,the headings of your stories are very intriguing maybe in the future you will share them.
    I sincerely have enjoyed sharing the 2yrs of your blog journey,will miss you as in a way we have made a strong connection (does that make sense huh!).
    Remember the autograph books from school days,mine had the "Ships that pass in the Night" by Henry Longfellow,our meeting/passing was a tad longer,lol :).

    1. Judith, it has been a pleasure. Enjoy your lively comments, but I'll be "seeing" you on Mette's blog. I still have one of my autograph books from high school (not a surprise!)

  6. Dear Sanda, I will miss your friendly and interesting blog, but can also understand. You have provided much enjoyment with your variety of posts, from home, garden and pets, to unusual history of your area. But it is important to concentrate on your writing, if that is your passion, and your gift. We only have one life, after all. Your story titles are so intriguing - they must be half-formed already, and I have subscribed by email to make sure I don't miss them. Well done and thank you, from your Australian friend, Patricia.

    1. Patricia, I consider you a friend and will continue to visit your most interesting blog. Yes, we must follow our instincts, as the saying goes. I am quite motivated at the moment; hope it lasts! The stories are "mostly" fun to write!

  7. This comes as a surprise, but one of the best things about blogging is that there is no boss or deadline - you are totally free to come and go when you feel the need. I have enjoyed the wide range of your posts over the years. And what an interesting and varied list for you next project. Isn't "Moon Over Mount Hood" the tale of your father, or am I remembering it wrong? Take care!

    1. And isn't that great?
      You are correct on Moon over Mt. Hood!
      You were my first follower and I recall how neat it was to know someone had "found" my blog! I've thoroughly enjoyed sharing through my blog but am feeling a pull now in a different direction.

  8. At the same time surprised and then not about your new plans, You are a story teller and I too encourage you to move forward.
    I´ll miss your blog, I´ll miss hearing the latest about your dogs.
    Wishing that you will still be contact -
    All my best.

    1. And Mette, you were my second follower. Thanks for all your insightful comments during the past two-plus years. I appreciate your encouragement to write my stories. Wouldn't be surprised if there's one among them about the dogs of my life.

  9. Hello Sanda,do hope you will pick up this message.........

    Hope all is well with you,and your dear dogs,and maybe beavering away at your stories.

    Wishing you and your family,a Very Happy Christmas,an eventful 2015.

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  15. Nice sanda...

    I loved the way you write...

    Happy birthday poem for Sister
