Thursday, March 29, 2012

And Then There Were Six

I did a recount of Sox's kittens tonight and got a better look inside that flat box. She has six kittens! They knot up together and it's very difficult to see inside, but I counted six little heads! Four are gray like her, one is brownish in color and then there's the black one. More charcoal gray, really. They are so sweet! Can't wait to get my hands on them. I don't have much experience with cats having kittens. Does anyone know how long before they open their eyes? Before they can stand?

Tonight's photograph is a pathway we walk down each day with the dogs -- behind the house and leading into the fields. We give the dogs their run several times each day, at least in nice weather. I love this, and all pathways -- something you travel along and are surprised at what may be around the next turn. Of course, we know what's next along this pathway because we've traveled it a zillion times. know what I mean. Other pathways, entering the unknown can be exciting, and revealing.

I love the sun setting just in the right spot. The trees on the right are cedar, and the foliage on the left is wild honeysuckle growing on an old rusted fence that my daddy built years and years ago. Speaking of honeysuckle, it will be blooming in another month or so (maybe earlier, since it's an "early" spring). It smells heavenly! One of the very best fragrant plants. The scent intensifies after dark and you can smell it a great distance away. There also is privet hedge bushes mixed in with the honeysuckle.

Tomorrow's Friday! Yeah! Casual Friday and I'll be in my jeans in the office!


  1. Only thing I know about kittens is you wait at least 6 weeks before they can leave their mother. I think brown cats are particularly beautiful, but bet all those kittens are pretty cute.
    I have never smelled Honeysuckle, but remember it from some song. It's always sounded romantic, being even more fragrant after dark.

    1. Beryl, I wish we could give you one of our kittens, since you are without one since your beautiful girl passed on. Oh, I wish I could bottle honeysuckle and send to you when it blooms. There's nothing else like it.

  2. What a beautiful post, full of happiness. As much as we had barn cats around, they were always pretty sercretive about their kittens, so I am of no help. A quick Google should set you up.

    Bon weekend!

    1. Heather, there's nothing like animals, especially baby ones, to make you happy!

  3. I have only experience of barn kittens, who lived in our stable, when we lived up in northern Finland many years ago. They were wild cats, and only appeared at mealtime.
    We have had a cat in our house three times, but I must confess, that I am more of a dog woman.
    So a half dozen of kittens. So nice. Hopefully they will all find a loving home.
    Almost forgot - the path - it looks so inviting!

    1. Knowing my sister and me, we will want to keep them all! We need cats around, as the moles and rabbits are rampant. Of course, I would be SAD if the cats ate them. Just as I couldn't stand it that one of my dogs got into the baby rabbits this week.

  4. What a beautiful walk, and however often you walk it there will always be a little surprise to find.

    The wild Plum is just appearing in the Thorn hedges in the lanes around us bliss. Ida

    1. Ida, I love wild plums! When I was a child the trees were rampant around here. But I don't see them anymore. I don't know what happened to all of them. Construction, perhaps, Do you make plum jam? It is my favorite. Would love to see a picture of your plum and thorn hedges.

  5. What a great article. So glad you have Daddy's old fence there. The pathway looks so mysterious with the sun setting. I want to walk it one afternoon.

    1. Sissy, we need to walk upon the hill next weekend. I can see from a distance that the late narcissas is beginning to bloom. We will walk down that path to get there.
