Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kitten Happiness, Rabbit Sadness

We have at least five kittens! I had to lure mother kitty out of the box with a bowl of milk and shine a flashlight inside to see them. Way too dark to get a picture. Maybe in a few days. Four of them look like her, gray striped, but one is black. Can't wait to see them better.

Since I can't show you pictures of the kittens today, here's one of Sox, the new mother. This was taken about 2 weeks ago.

Sox is a new mother. This was taken two weeks ago. She's a small cat.

I am mad at my dog Kris. He found a rabbit's nest in the backyard and killed four and ate one. Yuk. I didn't know rabbits made nests in the ground, but this is twice this year it's happened. One would think rabbits wouldn't make nests to raise babies if dogs are around. I know this is what dogs do -- just their nature, but it's still so sad. Ruined my evening. Val was pretty much a bystander and she never picked up one of the rabbits. I don't want to be near Kris tonight!

The rabbit nest in a flower bed

Kris, after the incident, still looking around for more trouble
I hope I have kitten pictures to share with you in a few days!


  1. Yes, that is good kitten news. Sox looked pretty big in that picture, and not too happy to be photographed. Five kittens!
    I can understand being mad at Kris. I had a cat that ate birds. It's not like they're hungry I had no idea rabbits made nests anywhere near humans.

  2. Can't wait to see the kittens. We are like children with this event but so exciting and glad we can be excited. The rabbit story is sad but nature has so many sad things but overall it is beautiful and the plan works.

    1. Whatever are we going to do with six kities?

  3. Sanda could it have been Hares' as they make nests in hollow ground?

    Rabbits live in burrows underground,we have shooting parties round here when the rabbits get out of control.

    Kris was doing what he thought was 'doggie right' Ida

    1. Ida, it may be hares instead of rabbits. I looked at pictures for comparison and what I see running all around my yard does look like the hare pictures.

  4. Oh, my. And one kitten is black! Sox looks so sweet.
    Yes dogs and rabbits. Last fall Morty snatched one bunny, omg. I did not say good night to him that evening.

    1. Sox is a very sweet kitty. She is so small. No wonder she looked so huge, carrying seven kittens!
