Saturday, May 5, 2012


Did you go outside to see the supermoon tonight? The moon was a bit nearer Earth tonight at the time it became visible on the horizon in the eastern sky. It looked huge! The experts tell us the difference of its nearness to Earth was small, but closest to Earth at the exact moment, or within a minute or two, of the time it became a full moon. 

I didn't need to know that to be astounded by the beauty of it. An orange ball that at times had lines of clouds across it had me almost hypnotised. I didn't want to take my eyes off it but I also wanted to get these pictures. Used my iPhone with the Instagram app for different effects.

If you didn't see it, pictures are a somewhat poor substitute for the real thing, but I think they turned out relatively nice in almost darkness.


I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day. ~Vincent Van Gogh



  1. Thanks for those pictures of that amazing moon!

    1. I heard it was supposed to be beautiful again Sunday night but stood outside for a long time and it ws never visible. Clouds, I suppose.

  2. Thank you for sharing the pictures. I was in bed asleep, and had forgotten all about the big, full moon!

    1. I see from your blog that you had a busy stable cleaning day so I can understand that you fell into bed early!

  3. Love the 3rd photo....the clouds here covered the moon last night,so thank you for showing me what I missed. Ida

  4. The third is my favorite as well. I was very glad I saw it. Was really breathtaking.
