Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Spring Fling

Tomorrow seven ladies -- cousins and sisters -- are meeting for what is being dubbed our "Spring Fling." We have been invited to cousin Areeda's home near Nashville for two days of visiting, partying, shopping, eating good food,and just generally kicking back and enjoying ourselves. 

We started our get togethers a couple of years ago, meeting in the fall and staying in a cabin on the lake. We have enjoyed it so much that it was decided we needed a spring meeting as well. Areeda has graciously invited us to her home and we head out early tomorrow.

This photo was taken at our last meeting, in November 2011. From left, front row, Betty and Sanda. Back row, Becky and Henrietta (sisters); Edith (my sister); Darry and Areeda (sisters). Hats are de riguour!
It is wonderful to spend time with those with whom you share a common history and have memories of growing up together.

I hope to have more pictures and information to share with you about this special event after I return home.

Do you have sisters, cousins or friends that you get together with on a regular basis? What types of activities do you share on those occasions? 


  1. You are really rocking that hat! My sisters, cousins, and friend gatherings are sporadic, but still wonderful. I know yours is going to be just fabulous! Have fun.

  2. I have nothing like what you described above, never had. So, what I have never experienced, I can not even imagine, nor even miss.
    I´m wishing you an enjoyable gathering!

  3. What a fun idea,love the hats.

    About twice a year meet up with friends for a meal,visit to the opera,museum etc when in London.

    Have a jolly time.Ida

    1. This was a wonderful gathering - beautiful place to gather and a wonderful hostess. It was great. We are truly blessed to have each other.
