Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fa So La Event

What a great time we had at our cousins' get-together! I made this photo as we were about to say our good-bye to each other and head home from Areeda's beautiful home in the Tennessee mountains. How can we ever thank her enough for being such a gracious hostess! She made us all feel so at home, right down to the special touches in our bedrooms -- bottles of water, a little snack if we got hungry!

But how could we ever need between-meal nourishment with a cook like her? She prepared a lunch Thursday consisting of chicken casserole, layered salad, asparagus spears and hot rolls.Two cousins brought homemade cakes -- a lime cake from Darry and an apple cake from Betty. Everything was delicious and I should have remembered to take photos of the food before we ate it but did not!

Into the afternoon, we took a trip into the lovely little village of Franklin to stroll the streets and window shop. For our evening meal, we went to J. Alexander at Cool Springs. I asked a waiter to get a picture of us before we left the restaurant.

We have dubbed ourselves the "Fa So La(s)," as a tribute to our Grandmother, Mommie Howell, who attended a church which engaged in Fa So La singing, also known as Sacred Harp or Shaped Note Singing. From left, Edith, Sanda, Darry, Henrietta, Becky, Betty, Areeda

We were up into the wee hours of Friday. How could anyone have as much fun as we did. So much to talk about, share. So many memories to relive, something none of us seem to tire of. Someone always remember a funny story about our pasts that we haven't mentioned before in one of our previous reunions.

Areeda's husband Joe -- very wisely no doubt -- went fishing for the day and spent the night at a nearby motel to give the ladies the run of the house. Thank you, Joe. You're a really special person.

Their beautiful home is filled with memorabelia from both their successful careers -- Areeda's in the recording business in Nashville, and more recently, publication of her cookbook -- and Joe's singing career. Go to these links to read more about Joe's music and career and Areeda's cookbook.

I should have made more pictures but was so busy having a good time that I didn't think about my blog. And that's the way it should have been. However, here are a few casual shots I captured.

The talented and lovely hostess Areeda, posing in her gourmet kitchen. We would all "kill" for a kitchen with this much space and as well equipped as hers. She needs lots of space, however, because she's always baking pies. Areeda has won numerous prizes and ribbons with her cream pies. She also makes sensational "fried pies," peach and apple -- in batches of 150 -- which she takes to festivals. People scarf these babies up so fast that she returns home for the evening, makes 100 more for the next day and sells all of those as well!!
Lovely sisters -- Becky, left, and Henrietta, relaxing on the front porch.
Edith, left, and Darry. Pretty ladies!

My beautiful sister Edith

We also swapped plants, some of us exchanged books and our talented Becky brought a gift for each of us -- a handkerchief which she added a very special touch: Hand crocheted lace, by HER own hands. How lovely! Thank you Becky!

We now look forward to November, when we'll meet at the cabin on the lake, take long walks in the woods and sit by the fire in the stone fireplace on cool evenings.

It's great having a sister and cousins!


  1. Hello Sanda
    Oh to be a fly on the wall and hear all the fun and laughter. What a perfect host and she and her husband lead such action packed and fun filled lives.
    Your group of women sound very special and to think you can do it all again in the Fall.
    Thanks for your visits and comments

    Helen xx

    1. Hi Helen,
      Thanks for stopping by. There definitely was a great deal of fun and laughter. I feel very fortunate to have this wonderful group of women to associate with.

  2. How fortunate you are Sanda! It seems as though a truly wonderful time was had by one and all...and what a beautiful place to be together!

    1. I do indeed feel blessed. We are already looking forward to our next event in November!

  3. This was a pleasant post. The happiness of the gathering can be seen the pictures and your writing.
    You have a lovely sister and great cousins : )! Just feeling a " bit " of envy ; ).

  4. Sanda, thank you for a great description of the fun we had and the family love we shared at our Spring Fling! It's truly special to be able to carry on a family tradition and ENJOY it so much. So much to share! Thanks!!
