Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Meet Me In Helsinki

I announced to my husband that I'd been invited out for coffee tomorrow. "Oh," he replied, "where are you going?"

"Helsinki," I said.


"Yep, that's the one!"

"Do you need me to take you to the airport?" he asked as he checked the time on his phone. " It's 3 p.m. here, which means it's already about 9 p.m. there, so you had better hurry up if you expect to be there in time for coffee tomorrow."

"Not to worry," I said. "No packing, no airline reservations, no taxis, no passport, no money involved. I'm traveling there via the magic of the Internet, to join my blogging friend Mette, who's invited followers of her blog for coffee and chat at the Cafe Aalto in Helsinki."

And I have accepted her invitation! She showed us pictures of what she'll be wearing, so I had to hurry and choose my wardrobe. Oh, I do hope what I have selected is appropriate for the outing.

Hmmm. A LBD is always good for any occasion, so I think I'll slip into this one. From Talbots, bought last year, but not worn yet. This will be the perfect time to debut it.

Mette said the temperature there will be around 20 C., or 68 F. Wow, what a welcome relief from this heat! However, I think I'll need a jacket, as I tend to get chilled in air-conditioned spaces, so I've chosen this Jones New York knit cardigan from the closet.


These Ralph Lauren patent slings should work OK with the outfit and will be comfortable. Perhaps there'll be time for lunch, a bit of sightseeing and shopping before I return. I've never been to Finland and I really look forward to this experience. I've heard Finland is a beautiful country and the people there are so nice and helpful to visitors. I can't wait!

I'll take my new Brahmin handbag and tie a jaunty scarf on the handle.

My jewelry choices include this watch:

My wedding band:

My mother's 50th wedding anniversary ring, which she has given me and that I wear almost every day:

And as always, (well, almost always, unless I wear other pearl earrings, or some fun costume pair) my pearl stud earrings:

Now Mette has said she's bringing her dog Morty along. Alors, I must bring Val and Kris as well. What a fun time they will have! They will love meeting Morty. My dogs have never traveled this far from home, and have certainly never been allowed to enter a cafe here at home.

I see I have to give them a good brushing tonight; no time for a bath. I thought we ought to do at least something special for them so I am trying out a few scarfs to dress them up a bit:

Oops, Kris' tail got in the top picture of Val!

Wow, I can hardly wait. I'm really looking forward to meeting Mette and see what all the other bloggers are wearing for this special outing.

See you there!

And be sure to check out Mette's blog to see what everyone else is wearing for this special occasion!


  1. My goodness, you are very elegant, I feel underdressed but that is OK. I only love to meet these friends that I have never met.

    1. Thank you! I thought you looked VERY NICE. Loved out little get together!

  2. Agree with MrsLittleJeans your outfit is very chic/elegant.

    What a stunning, unusual engagement ring.
    Looking forward to meeting you! Ida

    1. Ida, your outfit was beautiful! The doggies thank you for the gifts, and we enjoyed your bubbly! What a grand time we had.

  3. What an elegant dress, perfect for this occasion and many others. Love your doggies and would like to meet them.


    1. LOVED your outfit from polyvore. Glad you like my dress. I have a great deal of catching up to do with your blog; I see you have been blogging since 2006!

  4. I agree with the ladies who already commented: stylish and chic! And tying a scarf on the bag is such a timeless fashion choice but few can pull this off :-)
    Love, love your blog! You've got such fresh vibrant photos.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Anna, for for be becoming a follower of my blog. I have been enjoying yours for several months now.

  5. Sanda, You really made an entree to the Cafe, with those wonderful dogs of your´s.
    Can you imagine, someone asked me if Morty too is a black Golden Retriever, lol..
    Wonderful to see you " in person ". We must do this again!! Sorry about my early departure, but I´m not used to the bubbbbly..
    Thanks for joining in the fun.

  6. Your outfit looks wonderful. Love the dogs scarves!

  7. Love your outfit - as always, very stylish. Also love the new purse!
    Gotta try the zuchinni recipe.
