Monday, June 25, 2012

Going with the Flow

Today was another hot (100 degrees F.) and dry (no rain in two weeks) day in North Alabama. It’s enough to make a gardener weep!
I got up early to get three watering hoses going; walked the dogs; made a milk delivery to the kittens at the barn; gathered a small bounty from the potager garden; did my 30-minute walk, and was finished by 8:30. It was time to seek the comfort of the air-conditioned house and map out the remainder of the day.

I gathered enough basil to make a small batch of pesto.

I had a few Roma and grape tomatoes cucumbers, two bell peppers, a zucchini ready for gathering. Spaghetti sauce? More cucumber and lemon water?

A few sprigs of mint for ice cubes. Love using these in iced tea.

The hydrangea blooms are ready for cutting for drying.

I made a healthy lunch of Couscous with raw vegetables -- carrots, cucumber, green onions, tomato, black beans, black and green olives, chopped basil with a splash of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I just made up the recipe. Quick and easy; no cooking except the Couscous (5 minutes). I love eating healthy food such as this!

Time to catch up on the blogs I regularly follow on the iPad.

It was not perhaps a really productive day. I did a few house chores, dealt with stacks of mail, read awhile. I am giving myself the week to establish a rhythm of how I want to organize my days.
Tomorrow's forecast: "Only" 89 degrees. That will be a treat after 100!

This is Peacock Gladolius, bulbs planted in a pot in the spring and now beginning to bloom. This is my first try with this flower and I bought it because it's fragrant. There are two blooms and I'm hoping for more. The picture was made using the camera on the iPad -- my first try on that camera.

How's the weather where you live? Right now I'd love to be in Maine, or Canada or England -- anywhere it's cool and damp!


  1. Very odd day here in Sacramento, where I'm visiting. Usually it would be super hot, but it is only in the high 70's - very pleasant. Should be back in Tulsa before the weekend, where it is supposed to be around 100.

  2. Yesterday afternoon we reached 70,today pouring with rain,over the last few weeks parts of the UK homes have been flooded...the first part of the year we had hose pipe bans,now the rivers are over flowing!

    Still I prefer this to temps of 100's,as a redhead with very pale skin the sun is not my friend! (fading redhead).
    I also put mint with my ice cubes. Ida

  3. Grab a taxi to the airport and come to Helsinki, I have an invitation for tomorrow!
    The weather is fine over here ( +20°C ), no need to stay indoors.
    Gosh, I covet all the vegetables you have..

  4. Sounds like a fun day you had on your first Monday at home. The vegetables are so beautiful and your lunch sounds very tasty. Monday was truly a scorcher - ran hoses two hours on hydrangea beds, moving them from place to place, and by 5:00 many were wilted that probably didn't get as much water as others or got more sun. All work outside must be done early this kind of weather - after 11:00, its too hot.

  5. I think retirement has proven to be your "thing" . You seem to be so busy doing your gardening, cooking, reading, etc. I love be retired ! You can finally have your own life, doing things you have always wanted to do, but not able to because of your work schedule.
    I think the recipe for your healthy drink of cucumber, lemon, mint sounds very good. I haven't tried it but intend to in this hot triple digit weather in the sultry south.
    Enjoy reading your blog, so keep up the good work, Cuz..
    Love ya,

  6. Thanks Darry! Hope we can spend time together soon. Love you profile name Dream Weaver; sounds dreamy!! Have a great weekend!
