Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Have you discovered Pinterest? I had been hearing that word for a while and several months ago a friend “invited” me to join. I took a look at their Website and said, hmmm, could be interesting but didn’t really understand it.

Then a week ago I read up  on it a bit and thought why not. Other friends had told me it’s “addictive” and I’m beginning to understand what they mean.

So here’s the scoop (and I may be telling you what you already know; I could just be “behind the curve” on this one!) 

Pinterest is a virtual pinboard that lets you organize and share beautiful things/images you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes and organize their favorite recipes. You can browse pinboards created by other people – a way of discovering new things and getting inspiration from people who share your interests.

So what do you do with Pinterest? Their creators says you can redecorate your home, plan a wedding, find your style.  You can find inspirational sayings, recipes, clothes, explore hobbies and interest – well you name it; there’s categories for almost anything you can imagine.

Pinterest claims it is connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests.

So I have delved in, pinned some things that interest me and I’m definitely intrigued. You can follow other pinners and they can follow you. Sort of like Facebook but without the personal information.

So….as I learn more I’ll tell you more.

And why does one have to be “invited” to join? Not sure. That part seems kind of silly to me. But if you have not joined and would like to, let me know and I’ll send your name.

Here are some of my pins:
Source unknown

Uploaded From The Enchanted Home Blog

Repinned from

Repinned from

This is my dog Valerie; I pinned my own image to the Pinboard

Repinned from


  1. I was invited by a friend but never got around to it. The first picture you have here, hydrangea, got me interested, so I need you to tell me how to do it.

  2. I find things I like and some of them already have a button to click to "pin it", but without that button, I haven't had a lot of luck. I just hope my kids get interested in it, so then they can tell me how to do it. That's the only reason I (or my husband) have any music on our iPods. But I think it's going to be fun when I get it really figured out. I'm impressed that you are doing it!

  3. Have heard it mentioned on other blogs,am totally out of the loop!!

    I don't tweet,facebook etc,have no time to blog,might have a look at your Tree wise advice,had a similar hair do for my London Jubilee trip,but sadly it fell out the next day!!

    Happy Thursday Mid-Summer 21st...from a wet UK. Ida

  4. Echoing Ida, I have no idea about Pinterest. What makes it so interesting?
    I don´t wish to join Facebook, nor the Twitter. Blogging is my way to get connected with people.
