Thursday, June 21, 2012

Retirement Parties are Fun!

Wow! What a great group of people I've worked with the past nine-plus years at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center! Since tomorrow is my last day, they had a party today, and believe me, they know how to give a party! The food was fantastic, the room was decorated with flowers and other things and the people who came were so special! I will forever be greatful for having the opportunity to work with this fine group of public affairs professionals!

Dubbed "Sanda's Sassy Summer Soiree," all the women wore hats. What a great idea! Of course, there are many men in the office as well, but we just had to have a picture of the "girls" in their hats.

A special thanks to all the party planners and contributors who made this such a fun day.

Angela, Gabe, Kris, Judy, Molly and Tracye aren't in the photo below; I wish they were, but they must have been out-of-pocket at the moment.

Seated, from left, Ola, Sanda, Kim and Betty. Standing, from left, Jessica, Lori, Megan, Janet, Brooke, Betty, Jennifer and Kim.

Beautiful flowers grown and arranged by Marcia's. It was stunning

Food table. Jessica made the edible flower arrangement in the center of the round table. It was so perfectly beautiful everyone thought it was fake and no one wanted to eat it!

I can't say enough nice things about this day. Thanks again to all of you!


  1. Looks like such a lovely party! Nice how dressed up everyone looks in the picture. There's something about a hat. And I recognized your white skirt right away. Retirement is so exciting. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

    1. Thanks, Beryl. I believe I am going to enjoy it very much. YEP, that's my go to white skirt for summer. Love hats too!

  2. Happy Retirement Sanda,

    What a great looking group of women,love the hats,always a certain sadness when leaving a team of people you have worked with for many years, it takes time to adjust to your new situation...then wham you will wonder how you ever found time to fit work into your life!!!

    Happy days. Ida

    1. Hello Ida,
      I agree that leaving a group always has an element of sadness, but I expect to fill up my life with many other things. I'll wonder how I ever had the time to go to a job each day!

  3. Congratulations on your Retirement Day!

    I guess you have very mixed feelings at this time. A big relief and feelings of some sadness.
    But finally you are able to do everything you wish to + your furry family will be there for you: )!

    1. Hello Mette,
      I know I've made the right decision but will miss the friends I've made at work. I have so many things to accomplish, among them getting back to a routine of blogging each day and having time to read and comment on other blogs!

  4. Congratulations! So happy for you. You have truly earned the time to do things you want to and set your own pace. You worked hard, left with a wonderful reputation and no regrets. As Ida said, soon you will wonder how you ever found time to work but it does take a little while to feel that way - some adjustment definitely is in your near future.

    1. Hi Sissy,
      Thank you very much! High on my list in my retirement is spending more quality time with you. I am truly looking forward to that!
      Love you!
