Monday, September 24, 2012

Do You Decorate for Fall?

Today I had an occasion to be at a garden center for the purpose of purchasing stepping stones for an outside pathway. Naturally, the bright flowers massed at the entrance caught my eye. Who can resist the rich colors of chrysanthemums and pansies?

I must say that in years past I have been tempted and succumbed to purchasing fall decorations for the yard -- flowers, pumpkins, corn stalks and hay bales.

But that was a former self; when I was younger, when the children were small and at home; when we lived in suburbia and people would actually see them.

For a short moment I'm slightly tempted by the beauty and color before me. But I'm stronger now; I stop, enjoy the beauty before me, take a picture :-) and move on.

What about you? Do you decorate your home or your yard/garden for autumn?

Heh-heh. They should have someone make the signs who knows how to spell!

There are people who go quite overboard on this; almost as many decorations in autumn as you find at Christmas.

And then there are those who decorate for Halloween. As we get closer to Oct. 31, I am going to drive around and show you what I mean. I think you will be amazed. Do you see this trend where you live?


  1. Hello Sanda, I love the decorations for Fall and Halloween in North America; we don't tend to have it here in Australia. Last year I went to Ottawa in October and loved it all, taking many great photos. Of course the colours of the leaves is a great starting point for all that decorating. Your garden centre looks fun, too.

    1. You are so right, Patricia. The leaves themselves are color enough. The garden center is Lowe's; do you have that store in Australia?

  2. I have become frugal. I don´t splurge on decorations at all. I can well imagine myself in your situation, as you just decided to take a picture. That´s the way to go.
    I have decorations on our yard - the horses, so no more needed ; ).
    Over here, people set up the Christmas lights already in November, and some let them stay on till March! Terrible.
    Luckily we don´t have to go through that Halloween time.
    Despite my frugality ( on cheaper things ), I like to buy a red amaryllis as soon as possible.
    I like to do some Christmas decorating, but am pulling it down right after the holidays.
    Waiting for the New Year, I wish to have something white!

    1. I noticed last week that one store is already unpacking Christmas decorations. Seems it gets earlier each year. The red amaryllis is such a beautiful flower and is so appropriate for Christmas.

  3. I try to get the flowers....things that won't have to be kept around but sometimes I am not around to do that either.... wishing you a happy Tuesday Sanda and now that you have reminded me I just might go get some flowers : )

    1. Hi,
      Hope you found the flowers you were looking for! Do you go for the mums and pansies?

  4. Yesterday I looked at garden centers also for "a" pot of yellow mums for my outside plant stand. The prices were way too high at the big box stores and then I went to a small, local produce stand and got one for a much less price.
    I am planning to do a fall decoration at the entrance of our subdivision but not in my yard. This will be with stalks of cotton that I got across road from Mother's, a bale of hay and a couple pumpkins. No plants to water though! Pretty pix!

    1. Doing your community service by pretty-ing up the subdivision; good for you! The cotton in the arrangements will look nice.

  5. In our Seattle neighborhood, there were some of the best Halloween themed house - so good that thousands of people came to see them. I've already seen a few this year in Tulsa that are just as good. I'm excited to see more of them.

    1. I am amazed at how people go overboard (IMO) for Halloween. Let us know about the Halloween decorations in Tulsa.

  6. This is a very American way,pumpkins will not appear in our farm shops/stores till middle October, as a child had never heard of Halloween.

    My daughter/HB use to cut faces in pumpkin heads place a candle inside and place them around the kitchen.Of course things have moved on and it is becoming more of the thing to do.Some of the drives have pumpkins at their entrances which look natural & Autumn like.
    I do enjoy looking at how you style your homes for Halloween,maybe you could show some local photos? Ida

    1. Is Halloween celebrated much in the UK nowadays? When I was a child it was just a carnival at school. In the towns, children went trick or treating, but here in the rural area we did not. I will definitely get some pictures of the Halloween decorations. Now that October is almost here, the decorations won't be far behind.
