Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Scene

I'm surprised at how quickly the weather has turned so cool so quickly and today was the perfect day: cool morning, brilliant sunshine and not a cloud in the sky.  

I loved it that I was able to capture the moon in the late afternoon sky. Here are three shots:

There's something about the shadows cast by the autumn sun. This is a drainage ditch that runs through our pasture. I could be poetic and refer to it as a brook or even a stream, but unfortunately, it's only a rough ditch that drains the rainfall into a nearby creek.

Still on my quest to photograph as many types of mushrooms as I can find, below are a few recent finds. Looking down, up and all around and really seeing what's there is part of my quest to be more mindful and enjoy the small things around me. These wild mushrooms fascinate me!

Here's my kitty Sox, perched high in front of a window and enjoying the afternoon sunshine. She has become quite the sassy one.

And here's her son, six-month-old Carl. Isn't he a darling?

And below is his brother Mertie, left, and Myrtle, relaxing on a blanket bed we made for the three kitties on Saturday. My brother-in-law donated a portion of his day to winterizing the crib at the barn where the kittens were born in March and will sleep this winter. Plywood was placed on the floor and nailed to the walls to cover the cracks in the ancient wood the barn was built of. Thanks, Wayne! (and the kitties will thank you to when cold weather arrives)

Here are the three of them romping in the bushes near the barn. I wonder if they miss their brother Gertie and sister Blackie, who have been missing for a week now.

A bit of good news for recycling the items I have decluttered. I found a place in a nearby town, a consignment shop, which will take them. I went there with a load of clothes one day last week, only to discover you can't just "drop by," but instead must make an appointment. So I did, for Oct. 3. Quite an upscale consignment shop and their arrangement with customers is a bit steep: They price the item (based on what they believe it will sell for), and take 60 percent, the consignor getting 40 percent. But hey, it's more than I would get from a yard sale or flea market, right? They limit your 30  minute appointment to checking in 100 items, but you can make as many appointments as you wish and consign 100 items each time.

The store is really nice, the merchandise is attractively displayed and very clean and it resembles a retail store more than a consignment shop. They have everything: ladies, men and baby items; furniture; books, housewares; bridal; formal wear. I'm really looking forward to placing my items there. I will keep you posted on my luck with selling my things.

Like all consignment shops, you have the option of pulling your items if they don't sell, before the store places them on markdown.

I hope you week is off to a great start.


  1. What a gorgeous blue sky you have photographed. Thanks for more kitty pictures. But what is the most fascinating is how many different types of mushrooms you have found. Amazing!

    1. You are right: I have found so many mushrooms. Who would have guessed. I still haven't bought that mushroom ID book; need to do that soon.

  2. Such wonderful pictures, and I too am amazed by the deep blue sky. The pictures of the kittens are so sweet.
    When it is winter over there, how cold will it be?
    Sounds that your consignment shop is a professional type, we don´t have such over here.
    True, you will probably get more cash from a shop like this, but I simply lack the patience for having the stuff sold, as it might take ages ( over here at least ).

    1. Thanks! Our winters here in north Alabama can be quite cold at times (to us, but not to you, I'm sure). If it gets into the 'teens (F) at night, that won't usually last very long (a few nights). More normal temps in January, our coldest month, would be high 20s-low 30s (F) at night, but warming up in the day. Rarely do we get snow. More normal for us is an ice storm, which is bad news because power lines snap and we're out of electricity.

      I can't wait to get my things into the consignment shop and I do have the patience to wait and see if it sells.

  3. I'm going for the poetic and calling your water a "brook". The photo's make it look like a nice place to wander along.

    Hope the consignment store works well for you. Never tried selling at one myself.


    1. Ha-ha; brook does sound better, doesn't it? It's where my sister and I played as kids; there used to be a large pond nearby but it was filled in some years ago.

  4. Our coastline is being battered by high seas,and around here we have had a month's rain overnight,houses flooded,some of the lanes impassable,at least they had good weather for the harvest. Temp 45F.
    That looks more like Summer from your photos.I am sorry that your kitties have not returned yet. Ida

    1. Sorry to hear of the unsettled weather, Ida. Such strange weather occurrences everywhere these days, it seems. So the harvest is completed? Great news. Our temperatures are dipping into the 40sF. at night, but daytime temperatures are in the 70s. Perfect daytime temps. Stay safe; hope you haven't had water problems at your home.

  5. A great variety here for your Sunday. The skies are beautiful, and the little "brook" looks so peaceful, how many times have we walked that and played in it and caught tadpoles in the spring.
    Most of all, I love the cat pictures. Rhat Carl is quite a handsome thing but why shouldn't he be - his mother is a beauty. Wayne loved making their place more comfy for the winter.

    1. I particularly liked that picture of Carl with one side of his face in shadow and his whiskers highlighted. Love those kitties. At what age should be stop calling them kittens and call them cats? With night temps in the 40s, I imagine those kitties are snuggling into their newly redecorated room at night!
