Friday, September 21, 2012

September: A Time for Reflection and Contemplation

”There is melancholy in the wind and sorrow in the grass.”
        ---Charles Kuralt, American journalist and the first anchor of CBS News Sunday Morning

Behind us are the long hot days of summer, replaced by these transitional days of early Autumn.

The full-flowering of summer has dwindled and I have grown apart from the intense midsummer relationship that brought it on. Morning dew clings heavily on the morning grass and gives way grudgingly to the bright sunshine that casts long shadows at my feet.

The insect symphony that serenaded me in the fullness of summer's early mornings and late afternoons is silent now.

The cardinals and mockingbirds frolic playfully outside my window, seeming to know they are in the last gasp of summer.

The wind sings as it billows through the tree, teasing her green leaves into one last dance before shedding her costume; the sun shines brightly overhead, warming my back instead of beating my head. 

Cool mornings and still cooler evenings are a foreshadowing of things to come, when September’s sadness will give way to the brief respite of October, when the brilliance of gold, orange, red and yellow will tease us and produce energy and hope before the final curtain call.

I look at the deciduous flowering cherry trees on which not a single leaf remains - victims of a hot dry summer. 

Near them stand the majestic evergreens, tall of stature, deep of color, unwavering in their beauty.  Do the bare trees envy their fully clothed sister during the depths of winter? Do they wonder why Mother Nature sees fit to strip them and allow their sisters to remain clothed? 

The Sycamore tree showing the first tinge of autumn color

"The foliage has been losing its freshness through the month of August, and here and there a yellow leaf shows itself like the first gray hair amidst the locks of a beauty who has seen one season too many."- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Southern Magnolia seed pods

Endless Summer Hydrangea making a last stand

Roma tomato struggling to ripen before first frost

Bell pepper

A last Gardenia blossom

"'Tis the last rose of summer,

Left blooming alone;
All her lovely companions
Are faded and gone."
- Thomas Moore, The Last Rose of Summer, 1830

"the air is different today
the wind sings with a new tone
sighing of changes
the harvest gathered
a flower, a nut
some mead, and bread
a candle and a prayer
returning the fruits
in thanksgiving
to the grove
and receiving
it's blessing
- Rhawk, Alban Elfed

What are your thoughts as summer gives way to autumn?


  1. Interesting concept - "September sadness". This really shows how being raised in different areas of the country can affect your reactions. I'm finding September energizing as the blazing heat of the Oklahoma Summer fades away, and find myself anything but sad. And for my first 2 decades, (which I spent in California), September meant it was time for school again, which always made me happy. As do all your terrific garden pictures! Thanks!

  2. Ah, to be in America, now that Autumn's there! (with apologies to Robert Browning). A lovely wistful post, Sanda, and your garden photos are lovely, as always. This is my favourite season of the year!

  3. Sanda, you placed the words so well, that there is little for me to add. The pictures reflect this season in a fine way.
    I like autumn to the day when the first snowflakes reach the ground.
    Autumn is great, as you never know what to wear ; ). A late " Indian summer " is like sugar in the bottom of the cup ( a clumsy translation from a Finnish saying ).
    In childhood, this was the time, I had a new school bag, and new clothes and new sharp pencils and new school books.
    In my adulthood, this was the time the MIL started to count the days to Christmas, and was driving me nuts! So many expectations, so much anxiety.
    However, today, this year, I am just living one day at a time. No panic about Xmas !!

  4. I always feel I should have be born in the Autumn,love the colours both to wear and gaze upon.
    Have mixed feelings of wanting to explore tinged with melancholy of things coming home at dusk,and seeing the smoke curling up from the chimneys of cottages in the hamlets,cosy lights glowing...but best of all is the smoke from burning leaves still away to go for that smell. Ida

  5. Beryl, living in the country is very quiet. Perhaps that's what makes it feel sad sometimes. Of course, my reflective and contemplative mood is likely due to the recent loss of the two kittens.

    Mine too, Patricia, and even more when the color of October arrives.

    Oh Christmas, Mette! I noticed one of the big box stores beginning to stock the decorations. Way too early. Can't be at least wait until Thanksgiving, like in the old days. "Sugar in the bottom of the cup" That's cute!!

    Ida, you describe so well the images and feelings of autumn. Love the smells of autumn too!

  6. I'm with you on the sadness thing of autumn even though it truly is beautiful in so many ways. I hate seeing my things in the garden going away but look forward to them emerging again, some as early as Feb. Agree that in the country we may feel the sadness more due to the long darkness we experience as the days shorten.
    Beautiful pix. I agree some of the sadness we are feeling is due to our recent loss of two precious kitties.

  7. Sometimes I think it is way too quiet in the country. Yes, the sadness if related to the loss of the two kitties.
