Friday, October 12, 2012

A Cup of Good Hot Chocolate for a Rainy Day

It’s not that I don’t like or appreciate a good cup of hot chocolate, but rarely do I indulge. There never seems to be a good time for it! In the mornings it’s all about coffee. 

Mid-afternoon, a cup of Earl Grey:

 and at bedtime, a herbal tea:

I watched the torrent of rain coming down outside my window. The accompanying thunder and lightning was unsettling and I thought it best not to turn on the computer.

I became restless; wanted something. But what? How about a cup of warming, soothing hot chocolate? 

I rummaged around in the pantry and found this:

I’ve never made hot chocolate with this but felt adventurous. Why not?

I melted the last block (1 ounce) left in the package, added a small amount of milk to finish the melting in the microwave and lastly filled the cup with milk (purists would tell us hot chocolate is best made in a pan on the stovetop and not in the microwave, but hey, I was in a hurry). 

I tasted and decided if 1 oz. chocolate was good, more would make it even better!

Back to the pantry and I was in luck:

Same brand, different form. I dumped a few  chunks into the cup, reheated to melt and performed the taste test. Very chocolaty, not too sweet. Almost there.

Wishing for the finishing touch, another peek into the fridge produced this. I took the plunge and finished filling the cup with the foamy, frothy goodness.

The messy cup in no way detracted from my enjoyment of this cup of hot chocolate. 

So let it rain, let it storm! I'm safe and dry and comforted by my cup of chocolate!

Are you a hot chocolate fan? How you you make yours?


  1. Ha ha, so cute. I don't do hot chocolate in general but in a bind I run through the cupboards and look for chocolate to mix with hot milk. : )

    We too had pouring rain and now it looks delightful. Happy weekend Sanda!

    1. I suppose I was in a playful mood when I posted this! Bring on more rainy days if that means another cup of hot chocolate. By the time I'm writing this, Saturday morning, the sky is clear, the sun is out and it's a beautiful, but windy, autumn day. Happy weekend to you and the cat boys!

  2. Well, yum! Haven't had a cup of hot chocolate in ages. I'm going to keep it in mind for our first rainy day.


    1. The cup of chocolate did wonders to lift my spirits! I highly recommend it. Pray for a rainy day!

  3. Hello Sanda

    This looks delicious. I used have a box of Fry's Cocoa in my pantry and must replace it, as it was a good for those times when one needs comfort, such as a thunderstorm or heavy rain

    Have a lovely weekend

    Helen xx

    1. I am not familiar with the Fry's cocoa you mention. Any chocolate is good chocolate! The next time I need to purchase, I will investigate that kind. Thanks for stopping by and have a beautiful autumn weekend, Helen!

  4. I wasn't a big fan of hot chocolade until I found this one:
    it's not gooey like pudding but has the substance similar to cocoa with a potent dark chocolate taste. The hint of chilli added spices it up a bit and is perfect for dreary foogy evenings.

    1. Anna, I tried the link and it didn't work. Please consider sending the recipe or posting on your blog. I have seen recipes for chocolate using the chilis, the Mexican/Aztec method, and your recipe, with its potent dark chocolate taste would be a joy to try. Thanks!

  5. I love the Hot Chocolate made in the Godiva stores, but at home I usually make Ovaltine.

    1. Ovaltine! Now that's a blast from the past. Haven't drank that in years. Was such a part of childhood, though.

  6. I am not used to hot chocolate, never had it in my childhood, but chocolate during the winter months as such or with tea ( herbal too ) in the evening is a good " night cap ".
    Healthy, no way, but psychologically - yes!

    1. I'll take all the night caps I can get if they include chocolate. In small doses, as they say. Hasn't it been scientifically proven that chocolate lifts our spirits? Gives us a sense of well being?
