Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday in Pictures

The sky is among my very most favorite things to photograph. There's so much beauty above that I can't resist taking picture after picture -- no two of them the same from day to say. The ones below were taken in the late afternoon, which in my opinion, is the best time to capture the beauty of the sky. 

Here is an October Surprise -- a lone gardenia blossom -- making its final statement before shutting down for the season.

The white camellia bush bloomed without my seeing it in its prime.

Snapdragons bloomed all summer long despite the heat. Go figure.

Mignonette started from seed in the spring.

I decided to frost the pumpkin bread I gave the recipe for here.
(1 cup confectioners sugar, 2 T. melted butter, 2 T. pumpkin, 1 T. milk, 1/2 t. vanilla; pour over bread after it has cooled 15 minutes. Garnish with chopped walnuts.)

It was yummy!

Have a great Thursday.


  1. Beautiful photos of the sky and I love your flowers. The snapdragons are a beautiful shade of pink. I tried your pumpkin cake; it is a great recipe. Thanks for sharing it. xx

  2. Beautiful photos,I also love the evening skies very similar to your's.Our sitting room faces the west and I often watch the sun's dying embers (well when we have sun!)we have had grey murk hanging over us for days,today the sun is shining bliss.Ida

  3. Lovely sky photos. I seem to take sunrise and sunset photos frequently as each one seems magical doesn't it?


  4. Late afternoon - about what time? Your sun is setting quite early?
    Sunny days have been scarce over here too, all I see is a gray sky.
    But your pictures are so pretty, including the last flowers, or are they the last ones?
    The cake = yummy!

  5. Patricia, I am pleased you tried the pumpkin cake and liked it. Next time, you may want to try the icing, as I did this time. It's not a part of the "original" recipe, but I think it adds a nice touch.

    Ida, how nice you can sit inside and watch the sunsets. We have rain today, and lots of it. Hoping you'll get sunny days soon; the grey murk hanging about becomes depressing after awhile!

    Darla, magic indeed. I seem to prefer sunsets to sunrises (for photos) for some reason.

    Mette, these were taken around 6 p.m.; at the present time, it is completely dark by 6:30. So these are taken just before the sun disappears behind the trees in the west. These are definitely the last of the summer flowers, except the camellia, which is naturally a fall bloomer. The mums and pansies also are fall bloomers but I do not have those at the present time.
