Thursday, October 4, 2012

Best Colors for Fall

Don't you just love the colors of fall? 

These were some offerings at a roadside fruit stand I passed by yesterday:

I usually buy pumpkins in the fall, but not any more for decorations. I love using it in my cooking. I have a delicious recipe for Pumpkin Bread, a sweet quick bread I like to make when the weather cools down.
Actually, it's good any time of year and is equally good made with canned pumpkin.

I will be returning to the fruit stand in a few days to buy a few of the small pie pumpkins, better for cooking than the large ones.

What about you? Do you like to eat pumpkin? Do you have a special recipe you use for transforming this healthful and beautiful fruit of autumn into a delectable dish?


  1. What a bunch of beautiful pumpkins! My family gets excited for this time of year, because it means fresh pumpkins and I will be cooking it up into Pumpkin Pancakes for Thanksgiving morning. I also have a great recipe that I put up on my blog last year for Pumpkin Cookies with Browned Butter Icing adapted from the Lovejoy Bakery in Portland that is my favorite cookie for sending to my kids.

    1. Hi Beryl, I can see you like pumpkins for cooking as much as I do. I'll try to find the pumpkin cookie recipe on your blog.

  2. Orange seems to be the color of October!
    Pumpkin is not as noticeable over here. We might have some yellow ( ? ) ones, but busy people over here ( heh- that would include me ), don´t have the patience to make anything out of them.
    Pumpkin just isn´t a Finnish " thing ". Neither is Halloween, though it is celebrated in some ways.

    1. Hi Mette,
      I think the Native Americans were growing pumpkins in North American when the first Europeans arrived; definitely native to this continent. The canned pumpkin is perfectly good in baked goods, in case you ever want to venture out and make up a recipe calling for pumpkin. But perhaps canned pumpkin isn't even available there?

  3. What lovely pumpkin photos - I am nostalgic just looking at them, and want to fly over to my daughter in Canada! I love to eat pumpkin, which is quite popular in Australia. We have it in cakes, pies, salads, various slices or cookies, and as a vegetable with meat. Pumpkin soup is probably the No.1 winter soup favourite.

    1. I have never made pumpkin soup, but fully intend to. I had it at a restaurant and it was MEMORABLE! You should post some of those recipes mentioned on your blog!

  4. I like the fall colors in nature but not in clothing for myself. I know that wasn't your question, LOL!

    We do cook with pumpkin. DH even grew a few, they will probably end up as decorations though, as you say the small Baby Bear type are best for cooking. Can you share the pumpkin bread recipe?


  5. Like you, I don't care for orange in my wardrobe; looks good on others but not me. I will definitely post the Pumpkin Bread recipe on the blog, maybe tomorrow or Sunday.

  6. Beautiful photos. Love the fall colors in everything outside but like you, not in clothing for myself but think its beautiful on some folks.

  7. Thanks; glad you like the photos!
