Friday, October 5, 2012

Getting Ready for Halloween

By early October in recent years, houses and lawns have been decked out for Halloween. Not so much this year. There seems to be a noticeable decline in the seasonal decorations,  but perhaps this will change as the march toward October 31 nears. I will keep my eyes open and show you any noteworthy decorations I find.

There is one exception, however, to be found at a house located in the town near which I live. For the seventh year, the Bedgoods have gone “all out” to make their lawn kid-friendly for Halloween. They call it “The Spook House,” and many hours go into the placement of the creatures and decorations associated with October 31.

A seasonal display on the front lawn.

The Bedgoods continue work to transform their home into "The Spook House" for Halloween.
Come Halloween night, children from the church they attend are invited to come for an evening of fun and games. In previous years, adults also came in costumes and had a great time along with the children.

Some of the "creatures and monsters" that line the front porch. At night these  monsters have lighted eyes that glow in the dark.

More scary things.

Another display on the front lawn.

There will be games such as wheel of fun, basketball hoops and a bucket toss for children under the age of ten. Grab bags, candy and toy prizes also will be given.

The Bedgoods, former residents of Perdido Beach, Fla.,

Attendees are asked to bring a can of food for donation to the needy.

If you live somewhere that Halloween is celebrated, do you have anything special planned? Do you usually have "trick or treaters" at your door?


  1. OMG. The Bedgoods are really devoted into arranging a perfect Halloween!
    I have to keep in mind, that you are posting from USA ; ).
    No way, do we have anything even close to this over here.
    Are these people decorating Xmas in a b i g way too?

    1. Ha-Ha! Only in America! I don't recall that they go all out for Christmas in this way, but I'll keep an eye on it as I pass by their house in December.

  2. There are a few heavily decorated homes in town but not in our neighborhood. We live in an older part of town, smaller houses, very few children in the neighborhood so we rarely get trick or treaters at the door. I use it as an excuse to buy candy anyhow (grin).


    1. Sounds like a plan, Darla! We don't get trick or treaters because we're too far off the beaten track. The youngsters like to hit neighborhoods where houses are close. Seems even that activity has become less popular in recent years, what with crime and the risk of tainted candy more of a threat.Some people just do "home parties" for the youngsters. Did you ever receive "popcorn balls" as your treat from neighbors on Halloween? Loved those things; makes me want to make up a batch.
