Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday in Pictures

Sweet Valerie

And Sweet Kris

Are hoping that your weekend was good. Theirs was fun, filled with play and long walks.

They noticed the cotton fields are almost ready for havesting.

And they hardly recognized their mommy's shadow. They looked at me and said, "what long legs you have." 

They stopped and gazed as the sun sank low in the western sky. "Is there anything more gorgeous than a sunset?" they said.

Valerie and Kris send you love and best wishes for the upcoming week!


  1. The pictures of Valerie and Kris are lovely. The facial impressions are so photogenic on a light-colored dog, and when I look at the pictures, I see that both dogs are content and happy.
    Golden retrievers suit your colors well; )!
    The shadows are playing amusing tricks at this period of the year, your sky being more beautiful than ours ( gray from from sunrise till sunset ).
    And last - love your cotton fields: ).

    1. Val and Kris say thank you! They are definitely content and happy and more than spoiled -- the way I like it. Hoping for sunny days for you before the real winter sets in. How cold is it there? Frost yet? It's low 70s days, high 40s or low 50s nights (F.). Perfect weather. Oh, the cotton fields are so pretty this year. Looks like snow on the ground from a distance; brightens up the landscape.

  2. Valerie and Kris match your conservatory chair,golden colours together.

    What a wonderful Sunday,days like that are special...dogs and nature BLISS.

    The weekend was sunny here,but this morning misty grey clouds,fine rain blaah Monday!!

    Big hugs/pats to Valerie & Kris. Ida

    1. I didn't plan it, but you're right, the dogs match the conservatory furniture. It's great hanging out there with the dogs; so peaceful, surrounded by leafy green (or now by golden leaves) and the blue skies above (it's a glass ceiling as well). I will give Val and Kris a big hug and tell them it's from Ida!

  3. What a perfect way to spend your Sunday: peaceful, great weather for a walk and cuddling with your pets.

  4. There is something special about Sundays! No pressure to do chores and an opportunity to relax a bit. Every day is Sunday for the dogs!

  5. Valerie and Kris are gorgeous - such lovely gentle faces. What lovely companions for a relaxed weekend. The cotton fields look attractive too; we never see them here, so interesting to me. Enjoy your week!

    1. Oh thank you, Patricia. They are such gentle creatures. Kris is my shadow; every move I make within the house he follows. Valerie is a bit more independent. The cotton fields are at their peak and I suspect the harvesting machines will be in the fields very soon. Hope your week is good as well!
