Monday, October 22, 2012

Yoga---for Beginners Like Me

You know what they say….it’s never too late, and I happen to be a stronger believer in that statement as it relates to many endeavors in life.

I have never been enrolled in a yoga class, although I have been intermittently practicing it on my own since the 1970s.  I’ve read the books, know its benefits, like the way people who practice it look (healthy and peaceful). via Pinterest

(The chart above is difficult to read but please visit the website listed if you're interested. The poses in cream color are for beginners, pink for beginners and pregnant women, light orange for intermediate students)

One of my objectives after I retired was to find a class and to be properly taught the moves and techniques.

So…today was my first class and my first impressions are this is going to be a great way of
s l o w l y getting the hang of it. The class meets twice weekly for six weeks and students may sign up for additional classes on and on. 

There are around 20 ladies in the class, most of whom have been attending for a year, I learned in conversations after the class.. For three of us it was our first class. Most all of the ladies appear to be 75 years old plus!

It was so great seeing these older ladies getting into the spirit of things: stretching, moving, intent on following the instructor. 

The class focuses on stretching and breathing. A few worked on mats but most performed the poses standing and sitting. The instructor urges each student to find her comfort level of what they can and want to do.

So, wish me luck. I don't expect I'll be practicing the yoga pose below  anytime soon (read NEVER) but I look forward to days ahead. via Pinterest

I know many of you practice yoga. Please share your experiences.Thanks!


  1. Hello there!

    Well, this is great! My Mom was a yoga instructor so I have been on the mat since I was little. :) What is the most important thing for you to remember right now is that it isn't a sport--you aren't in competition with anyone, not even yourself. Listen to your body and there is no reason to push yourself too far, it will come into place with time. Actually, you might be surprised how quickly! Yoga is great for our bones but I do it for my heart, to be more calm. It works for me!

    Good luck and don't forget to breathe!!

    1. Thank you for your comments, Heather. I know that you practice yoga and I value your input. I will follow your advice!

  2. Good for you! I've tried a bit of Yoga on my own but would like to find a class and get some instruction/advice. I looked last winter, one reasonably priced class was so crowded I didn't see how one more person could squeeze in, the other was very expensive although the ambiance was nice :-). Maybe I should give classes another look.


    1. I thought the price of this class was very reasonable ($29/6 sessions. I will report my progress. Since I have wanted this class for so long I believe I will stick with it and do what it takes to achieve success. Let us know if you find a class.

  3. Good for you!!
    I know people, who enjoy yoga. It can be a great stress releaser. It might turn addictive, but the addiction is a good one.

    1. I want yoga for stretching my body, balance and as a calming influence in my life. I actually hope it does become addictive!

  4. I tried yoga last year. It was part of our local community summer programme: Yoga in the park. I found the combination of light exercice, streching and relaxing combined with the most spectacular surrounding to be higly enjoyable. Afterwards I could achieve the same in a gym with stale air and no green grass under my feet and magnificent willow tree above me to keep the shade.

    1. Yoga in that beautiful setting sounds like my cup of tea. Ours is in a large gymn. Have you continued with the yoga after the class ended?

    2. Hi, Sanda. I tried to participate in a class a few times, but the closed space of the gym was off putting so I gave it up. I was hoping they'd do another session of Yoga in the park this summer, but they didn't :-(

  5. Yoga is very popular there seems to be classes held in all the village halls here.

    What I would like to know more about is Tai Chi for the mind/body sort of yoga & meditation combined,love the graceful movements.

    Enjoy your classes.Ida

    1. I have seen the Tai Chi and the movements are very beautiful. Perhaps there's a class for that in your village? I am not sure of the similarities/differences of it from yoga.

  6. Hello Sanda

    This looks great and I hear the benefits are wonderful. I run or fast walk daily and stretch and have some floor exercises.

    Helen xx

  7. I'm hoping, Helen. The run and walks you do are very good as well. Sometimes it's difficult to fit into our lives all the "must dos" isn't' it?

  8. Hello Sanda, I first studied yoga in college and started teaching when I graduated. There are so many different styles of yoga and I think finding a teacher that knows about body alignment and observes you personally is the best. I took a class where there was a teacher in the front and one in the back and they would come up to each individual and make corrections. I taught for 25 years once a week at the college and decided to take a break and focus on ballet. The principles I learned in yoga I carry with me in all areas of my life, still practice on my own and may go back to teaching one day. I will look forward to hearing your yoga journey.

    1. Wow, a teacher of yoga! Time will tell about the teacher I have. I will continue reading and studying the proper methods outside class to learn all I can I will certainly report here my progress, my difficulties and details of the journey. Thanks for the encouragement!

  9. I am doing yoga since 2008. At first, it was hard for me to get the necessary items for yoga. A friend of mine suggested me yoga supplies. Though I was hesitating first, after knowing there worldwide shipping and money return policy, I ordered a few things from them, including non slip yoga socks . I am so glad that I choose them. Their product quality is so good, just as they claimed and very long-lasting. Their price is also very reasonable too, which helps me a lot to purchase more.
