Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Getting Rid of Dust Bunnies for Christmas

Where does all the dust come from?

I have now spent two days deep cleaning the house and have been amazed at the amount of the accumulated dust. Normal weekly cleaning doesn’t address the grime that gets on light fixtures, baseboards, mirrors and glass shelves in cabinets.

I decided it was time to give the house a good going-over before Christmas and what a work-out I’ve had. No need to worry that I haven’t done my daily walk or yoga exercises!

Cleaning the fireplace screen, andirons and tools was a major undertaking. But I do love the look of sparkling brass in winter, especially at Christmas.

I thought about taking out and washing each and every piece of crystal in the curio cabinet, but what a daunting task that would be.

On second thought, I just cleaned the glass shelves around each piece and called it done. I will individually wash each piece as I go if we use it during the holidays.

After all, the doors on the cabinet will be closed and who is going to open them to check and see if everything has been cleaned?

Naturally – for me – I can’t keep only to the  task at hand but must venture into other endeavors. Today, it was thinking about what decorations I'll make for the house.

If I had my way, I’d simply make a large arrangement of boxwood shrubbery clippings and call it the Christmas tree. I LOVE boxwood, both growing in the garden and cut for arrangements at Christmas time. Just adding a red bow to this arrangement would be adequate, don’t you think?

I crocheted a set of eight of these Christmas place mats back in my creative days with wool and needles.

I know this greenery won’t last for a month but I’m just testing it out, see?

For tabletops, a bowl of red apples, oranges or nuts beat out sparkles and artificial anything, in my opinion.

A sprig of boxwood adds a finishing touch.

Over the years our mother has taken Christmas tea towels and added a crochet edging. I have many of these, some used and some not because I deem them too pretty to use. I usually take them out each Christmas to display in a wicker basket.

A hot pad crocheted in the granny square pattern.

This is just a quick post to let you know what's going on with me in recent days. I have to say goodbye now and get back to work now. There still are many more dust bunnies to capture!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. As you have your " drive " on, I will be short with my comment.
    I have nothing against clearing and cleaning, the feeling afterwards is so satisfying.
    But the polishing of the brass, ouch, silver ( which we only have little of ), is more simple.
    A Xmas tree is ok, but I want it out after max. 3 days.

    1. One more exhausting day and I think I'll be gone with the cleaning. I agree that it is such a good feeling to get it all done. I won't put up the tree until one week before the 25th.

  2. I want to know the same thing Sanda...where do those dust bunnies come from? Currently we are fixing ceilings around and I am letting the dust accumulate. I may have to take two days off work just for cleaning. I love the little christmasy things and love the boxwood too. Enjoy the Christmas approaching...x

    1. I had been putting off the deep cleaning for too long. Never again! Oh my, ceiling work creates tons of dust so poor you. I think our two large dogs contribute to the dust because of their constant "horsing around." hope your interior work will be completed soon.

  3. Nothing beats housework for an all over body work out beats the gym every time!

    Sad fact before we can say dust bunnies it is back again. Ida

    1. I am so tired tonight! The dust definitely returns all too soon.

  4. Hello Sanda

    What a time consuming chore but the results are defintely worth the task. I love your boxwood and fruit as opposed to artifical decorations.

    Don't work too hard

    Helen xx

    1. One more day should complete the cleaning. I don't find it complete drudgery because I love the end results. I have boxes or stored artificial decorations that I am going to give away and use only natural materials.

  5. Your fireplace screen is the best one I've ever seen and your cabinet is wonderful. Your cleaning must be more fun, when you're working on such beautiful things.
    I have found that the dust is much less, now that we live in a carpeted apartment, instead of a house with hardwood floors. (Don't miss the house, do miss the hardwoods.)

    1. I bought those fireplace accessories 30 years ago from Speigel, back when brass was not so prohibitively expensive. This LR fireplace has gas logs and isn't used as often as the wood burning one but it still gets dirty -- just not from wood ash. The curio cabinet houses the only collection I have: cut glass/crystal. It makes me happy to see the clear glass! I do like hardwood floors too; easier to see the dirt and dust but easier to clean than carpet IMO.

    2. It all looks SO pretty! Love the natural things for decorations and so much easier to deal with - when the holidays are over, just pitch it out and don't have to pull out boxes to store it away. Tell me what you cleaned the fireplace screen with and maybe one day soon I will clean mine too.
      Good job!

    3. Good old soap and water. I was afraid to put any sort of abrasive on it, as that could remove the protective coat that keeps the brass from tarnishing. It required a great deal of scrubbing on my part. Not a pleasant task, but I felt good when I finished!

  6. It is all looking so sparkly. I like all the towels with the edging and the pot holder. I enjoy getting out the handmade things I've collected over the years. I particularly like the kitchen things at Christmas.


    1. I think I have way too many of these items, but they are special so I'll keep them. But thinking I'll begin using them more during the holiday season. Sparkly certain has it's cost! I'm so ready to be finished!
