Sunday, November 25, 2012

Faux Leopard

Reading Patricia's Red Cardinal blog got me to thinking about leopard print, as she included a quote from noted columnist and fashion editor Diane Vreeland:

Imagine a world without Leopard!
Who'd want to live in it??"

Now I'm not THAT fond of leopard print, but have succumbed to small splashes now and then.

I got this leopard print bag years ago, before the current craze for leopard returned. Funny thing, it was one of those free bags with purchase you get at the cosmetic counter. It’s been so long ago that I don’t even remember which cosmetic line promoted it. But I was smitten and had to have it.

Funny thing is that I never carry this bag without getting multiple compliments. Seriously!

A sleeping mask, which I’ve never used. But it’s here if I ever find myself in need of such a thing

I bought this scarf a couple of years ago but have worn it only a few times

PJ bottoms, which I have used and laundered so much that you can see how faded they are becoming. They are my favorite sleeping garment, paired with a soft black long sleeved tee for winter.

I had fabric leopard skin gloves and really enjoyed wearing them, but one has become lost. Gloves and umbrellas! Two items I have trouble keeping.

Leopard skin aside, there's a current documentary film recently out on Diana Vreeland that I want to see. The Eye Has to Travel is the story of her life and her career as editor at Harper's Bazaar and Vogue magazines.
Does your wardrobe contain any leopard skin clothing or accessories?




  1. I don't have even one leopard item. I just never wore them, when I did have them. It started when I was in my early twenties and heard that you needed to own something leopard printed - so I got something and never wore it. Then tried again in my thirties. So every decade I fell for leopard again, bought, but never wore out of the house. Now I just look, but never bring it home. Think it might be psychological? Because I like the look on other women.

    1. Could be. But I think you've made a conscious choice it's not your thing so you should just stand by your decision!

  2. Thankyou for the link to my blog, Sanda! I love your little bits of leopard, and the bag is most definitely a winner. I have a similar, small group of leopard bits, including a warm winter hat which I've had for years, and it occasionally comes out when I visit a cold climate. It will never be worn here in the tropics!

    1. I think it's interesting how the leopard prints just never go away. They wane at times, but always come back. They make a strong statement and I think one has to be very confident to pull off wearing/accessorizing with much of it.

  3. Nary a spot in my closet. Many years ago my Mother embraced the spotty fashion and it became such a part of her look that I just couldn't. I do like your small pieces tho.


    1. It's definitely not for everyone, and for varied reasons, one of which you mentioned.

  4. I don´t have anything with the leopard print. It´s just too exotic over here, I think.
    Women in our neighboring eastern country are all wild about it though.
    Leopard print is considered very sexy over there ; ).

    1. Mette, I thought my response below was under your comment but seems I placed it in the wrong space. Sorry!

      Ida, I think you put your leopard coat to good use. I know it looks so good!

  5. Have had Leopard moments in the past,but never when it was all the rage.

    I used my Leopard coat to have an Italian type stool covered,it looks good and have received many compliments on it.

    For clothes I don't like it on myself.Ida

    1. Sexy maybe but definitely flamboyant in large doses. I would never want a coat dress or shoes with the leopard print.

  6. The DV book and documentary is a MUST SEE!!! So well done. I have never worn animal prints of any kind. I like the look on others but just have had no desire to work it into my wardrobe. Maybe because it stands out so much and I like a look that all blends together? Not sure but your bag is lovely no wonder you get compliments.

  7. I love free bags! So many movies out right now that I want to see.

  8. I love the leopard print but mostly on others. I own two pieces - a very warm fuzzy vest which is ok (burns me up) but I have a jacket that I love even after probably at least 15 years and still receive compliments. The leopard look is better on some than others and you are one that can wear it and it looks great!

    1. Well, you flatter me! I never see you wear the leopard print vest; maybe just in the coldest weather? I actually forgot to mention in the post that I have a sweater (cardigan) in the leopard print. Probably because I hardly ever wear it and it slipped my mind. I had a weak moment when I bought it. Wish I had my money back because it wasn't cheap!
