Monday, November 19, 2012

Music for Relaxation

There are many distractions in this harried world. Too many things command our attention and sometimes it's difficult to slow down and take care of ourselves.

There are a variety of ways to take a step back, take a break, but everyone needs an "escape," even if for a short time, and in our own manner.

Some ways we refresh ourselves are with a nap; quiet contemplative time alone; a walk; exercise; a hot bath; or spending quality time with loved ones.

One thing that does the trick for me, but something I often actually forget to do, is listening to soothing music.


New Age music is my favorite type of music for relaxation. It calms the mind and spirit; inspires; and expands consciousness.

The tracks on a New Age compilation sometimes feature one set of panpipes, but they also frequently include a whole arrangement of instruments. Usually it includes the acoustic guitar or the piano, but Eastern-inspired instruments like the sitar and the tabla are sometimes used. The rhythms are often repetitive, interspersed with nature sounds like birds chirping, a mountain stream running or underwater whale noises. While electric instruments are sometimes thrown in to add a different dimension, the aim is always to create soothing music.


There are tons to choose from, but one of my favorite compilations is Reiki Healing Journey, available on CD or MP3 download for iPod. If you click on the link, you go to Amazon's page, where you can listen to a sample of all 20 tracks and try before you buy.

I love buying music from Amazon, not only for their prices, but also because I can listen and decide before making a decision about what to purchase.

What are your favorite ways to escape and relax? Is listening to music one of your favorite ways? If so, what type of music do you choose?


  1. A warm drink really relaxes me, as does eating.

    1. You are lucky that you can eat and never gain a pound!

  2. Silence is relaxing to me. When I want music it is what is usually called "soft jazz". I like a few tracks to be familiar and hum-able. New age music is ok in very small doses.


  3. I love to listen to soothing music also but like you, I FORGET to turn it on! I try to play the piano sometimes as I can get lost in that. I used to like to listen to classical music but at the present time in my life, it seems to make me even more uptight! We all need more down time in our life.

    1. If I try more to LIVE IN THE MOMENT, I find that helps. Yesterday has gone and why worry about tomorrow? Easier said than done, though!

  4. I listen to what the radio offers, I´m not extremely picky about it. But I choose the channel.
    If I wish to relax, napping could be the " thing ", also going to bed early is a way to relax for me.

    1. I have become quite the napper since my retirement. An hour with my head on the pillow does wonders!

  5. I only play music to celan my apartment. I listen to classical music each day at ballet class and when home I like complete silence. To relax I read a good book, or sit and stare out my window ala a cat, or go for a walk along the river and try not to have conversations with myself. I try to relax enough to where my mind is quiet but I am aware that is not easy.

    1. Two votes for silence. I like all your ways of relaxation.

  6. Classical music especially Elgar totally relaxes me,the radio is tuned to that programme only.
    Listen to it while I have breakfast,and ironing also in the evenings while reading.
    Enjoy silence while working around the house,in the office.Ida

  7. Everyone can now reduce stress with the use of relaxation music, positive affirmations and guided imagery. Enhanced Healing is now introducing a special brand of relaxation music, positive affirmations and hypnotherapy recordings to help those who needs to reduce stress.

    Relaxation Music
