Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sitting by the Fire on a Saturday Night

What better way to spend a Saturday night than in front of a cozy fire?

 There were plenty of movies to choose from

And then some

But in the end, it was just sitting -- gazing and reflecting on the open flame.

The dogs were tired and napping

Even Kitty Sox wanted to join us

So it's back to the fire to absorb some of that warmth on a coldish November evening.


  1. Sound like a nice lazy evening by the fire. November is nice like that.

    1. I would love to have a fire in the fireplace every night!

  2. Makes me want to pull up a chair.


    1. There is something mesmerizing about watching a flame, isn't it?

  3. Same here,log burner on full,books to read,music playing in the background pure BLISS.

    Frost -3c last night our first sharp one,today is a beautiful,sunny,blue sky day...HB is out in the orchard mowing the clover down!

    Hope your Sunday is going well (just starting!).

    Firesides are not quite the same without a dog.....told HB it is either a dog or baby!! (much laughing + miracle) Ida

    1. The dogs do add a special touch to the fireside. Oh, I do hope you get a dog. You would be a perfect dog owner.

  4. Having a dog close to me, is all I need, when sitting by the fire!

  5. Love the fire almost as much as I do those sweet dogs and cat there. Bet Sox will learn to love that fire this winter.

    1. Sox is so inquisitive I'll have to be sure the screen is always in place!

  6. Love your fire - we also love a Saturday night movie before the fire, in our all too brief winter. You have a great collection of movies there. Don't you love it when cats and dogs join in with the mood?

    1. Yes, it's nice they always want to join us. My husband is the movie collector!

  7. Sounds like the perfect way to spend the evening when it's cold outside and nice and toasty inside.

  8. One of my best friends has a wood burning fireplace, a dog, and a cat, and I go there every chance I get. SOOO inviting and the perfect setting for rainy windy cold nights. Then when it is really cold we wait until about 10pm and a full moon and go out on her deck to her hot tub. After that I do not have a care in the world. Thank you for sharing your photos.

    1. That sounds like a wonderful evening. What more could you ask for?
