Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Optical Illusions for Fun

Let’s have a little diversion today. Below are some Optical Illusions, which I think are fun. Just the kid in me I suppose.

I had a previous post on optical illusions and it has been one of the most visited pages I've ever done. I get the feeling that others think these are as much fun as I do!

                                       Five Hidden Wolves

Take a very close look at this image!
Look closely to find five wolves hidden in the picture.
 (Note: I only found four!)

What do you see?

Take a very close look at this image!
What do you see?
A face or the word "Liar?"

Circle Illusion

Take a very close look at this image!
Is the left center circle bigger?
They are the same size!

Crazy Line Illusion

Are these lines straight or crooked?
Look closely!
Believe it or not 
Every line is straight!


Stare at this image as long as you can. 
It will eventually drive you crazy...
(Note: Not really; it's just fun!)


The Crystal Ball

Take a very close look at this image!
Stare at the very center crystal ball.
Move your eyes very close to the screen and then move away.
What do you see? 
The pattern around the ball should grow and shrink as you move.

(Note: what I see after starring at the image is two balls side by side!)

I'm interested in what you see, or how these optical illusions affected you.


  1. My screen is pretty small, which might make a difference. I found 5 wolves, but only 4 of them looked like they were supposed to be hidden. When I tried to concentrate on seeing straight lines in the Crazy Line Illusion, it felt like my eyes were being pulled off the straight path. And that beautiful rainbow colored ones looked like it was vibrating slightly. Fun!

    1. I experience with the wolves was the same as yours; didn't find the fifth hidden wolf. The kaleidoscope color one seemed to change its shape the longer I stared at it.

  2. I find these illusions interesting, but looking at the to last one gave me a headache, ugh!

  3. P.S. Looking at the two last ones, also caused the spelling mistakes, lol.

    1. It is so interesting the different reactions people get. I suppose all our eyes/brains work differently. No headache on the next to last one for me, but I did feel I was becoming hypnotized the longer I stared at it!

  4. Been trying for hours, but can only see 3 hidden wolves and one out front. I suspect the last one is in the upper left where I see something like a face. Please tell us Sanda!!

    1. Oh my, I wish I could circle the ones I saw in the drawing but I can't! I imagine you saw the two obvious ones in the center. Now take a look at the mountain peek on the left and that's one looking straight ahead. Now look at the highest mountain peak; the wolf's face is the summit of that point. Does this help?

  5. Please don't tell us yet have just found this,need my coffee in hand before I check them out........

    1. Unfortunately, I don't have the "answers" to these little images!

  6. Only found 4 wolves.
    Second one easy.
    As you said same.
    Agree,straight but left my eyes crossed hee,hee.
    Reminds me of the kaleidoscope I had as a child!Becomes larger the longer you stare at it.
    Butterfly wings appeared in the outer pattern?

    Now off to have my eyes checked.....thanks Sanda enjoyed these.Ida

    1. Same for me (4 hidden; 1 obvious)
      The straight lines look crooked on first look
      Kaleidoscope moves the longer I look!
      I didn't see the butterfly wings; perhaps different eyes see different things??
      What a coincidence that you're off for an eye check-up! (or were you just joking?)

    2. British sense of humour,just joking!!Ida

  7. Hi Sanda, I am the WORST at looking at visuals like this. I get soooo frustrated. I found only one wolf and I actually tried to find another one for about a minute or two...and the one made to drive one crazy actually did do that to me!!! I have a question for you. When you look at a full moon do you see the "man in the moon" or "the rabbit sweeping" or both???

    1. See note to Patricia above and see if that helps. Some of the ones out there I looked at made me crazy as well, and I didn't include those. Re your question: I see both "man in the moon" and "Madonna and Child." I see both and have never heard the "rabbit sweeping" one. Next full moon I will check it out! Thanks!

  8. Fun! My favorite is Liar. You probably know by now that I have a fondness for line drawings and one with a hidden message delights me.


    1. I should have guessed you would like that one. Perhaps you could design your own "challenge" with an optical illusion theme??
