Monday, November 12, 2012

Rainy Days and Mondays

A Golden Autumn Weekend gave way to dark clouds late yesterday, and  strong winds from the west foretold rain that had descended upon us by nightfall.

Throughout the night the rain fell, the wind blew and this morning I was greeted by a deck covered with the leaves that just a few days ago had resplendently dressed the trees.  

The beautiful leaves were much too wet to be swept away and who would want to anyway? I rather like the way the decorate the wood deck! Plenty of time for that once the rain dries them.

It was a morning to sit and gaze out the window, daydream, pet the dogs, check on the cats, get a second cup of coffee and try not to become too involved with life's challenges, not today. 

How about a day of reflection and regrouping? A day of giving thanks for our blessings? To remember and honor our Veterans? To send our prayers and assistance to those on the East Coast still struggling with the challenges of daily living?

I won't let the rain depress me. I, and we, have too much to be grateful for. And I'll try to get the first verse of this song off my brain!

Rainy Days and Mondays Get Me Down
A 1971 song by The Carpenters

Talkin' to myself and feeling old.
Sometimes I'd like to quit;
Nothing ever seems to fit;
Hangin' around, nothing to do but frown;
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.

Songwriters: Paul H. Williams & Roger Nichols

How is your Monday going?


  1. Lovely pictures of the rainy deck with those colored leaves. It make me want to break out a good mystery and a pot of Hot Chocolate.
    All Carpenters' songs make me a little sad. Anytime a journalist calls a young star fat, they should consider what they drove Karen Carpenter to.

  2. You sure had a rainy, windy night ( looking at the morning pictures ).
    It´s not rainy Mondays, that get me down. It´s the cold winter. Surprisingly the wind blew from the west today, and it was a warm wind.
    So, things were not that bad.

  3. I do believe I can hum that whole tune and now will probably be doing just that the rest of the day. I don't mind rain but I dislike wind. It is a cold and sunny Monday at my house.


  4. Nothing like the leaves and the colors after the rain. I think you had a splendid idea Sanda, to be grateful and remember our veterans and the rest. Enjoy the rain and the cup of sounds heavenly to me. : )

  5. Thanks to all for your comments. The rain has turned to cold and we are having our coldest night so far: predicted low of 29 F. Tomorrow promises some sunshine, thankfully!

  6. Beautiful leaves on the deck, and rain is always welcome, despite the song! Carpenters songs tend to sound a little sad to me too. Monday here saw the end of the much-anticipated rain, and back to sunshine. Pleasant though :)

    1. I love Carpenters' songs. Karen had a beautiful voice.

  7. Just love it! Beautiful thoughts and photos.
