Thursday, December 6, 2012

How to Make Moth Repellent Sachet Bags

After discovering moth damage to cashmere sweaters, I sought the advice from readers in this post a few days ago on ways to prevent moths from setting up housekeeping among favorite clothing items.

All advice was excellent; I appreciated each comment. Now I am on a mission to make sachet bags filled with herbs and spices known to be effective in deterring these pesky insects.

I was fortunate enough to gather the rosemary, thyme and mint from the garden, and had on hand bay leaves, stick cinnamon and cloves.

Today I assembled the ingredients for my bags:

Rosemary, bay leaves, mint leaves, thyme, cinnamon and cloves.
I  had unused lavender buds stashed away and decided to add them as the "bulk" ingredient in my little bags:

Lavender buds
Not wanting to sew, I remembered I had these little silk organza bags with a drawstring ribbon that would be perfect bags for this project:

These bags are from Chico's, received when a piece of costume jewelry was purchased there last year. I have more packed away "somewhere" and home I can find them (unless of course, they were part of my crash and burn clearing-out-the-clutter project recently!)
Here's a photo of the assembled ingredients. I may wait a few days -- until the fresh herbs have dried -- before I fill the bags.

A potpourri of herbs and spices

This mix is pretty enough to leave in a bowl and use as a holiday decoration!
My new bags will go onto shelves in the closet, where I keep my sweaters.

Here are some lavender-filled sachet bags I made several years ago and placed in bureau drawers. All these involved sewing, which I didn't want to do this time.

This morning, I also have begun the process of rewashing each and every cashmere sweater, as well as the scarf and gloves I used last winter.

Thank you, thank you, to all who contributed to my knowledge on this subject.

And one more thing: my sister has promised to give me some of her excess cedar shavings, which I also will put to good use.

So there, take that, you hateful sweater destroyers!!!


  1. I bet it smells delicious - it certainly looks that way!

    1. It did/does smell quite wonderful. I went ahead and stuffed those two bags because I couldn't wait. I'm assuming the green things will dry just fine in the bag, as they are thin and the air can reach the inside.

  2. Looks like a great solution to the problem and in any case all your knits are going to smell great. I like those little silk bags and keep a few similar ones on hand for gift giving, make a great packaging for small things like a pair of earrings.


    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this takes care of the problem. Love those little bags too!

  3. Looks so pretty! know it smells wonderful too. I have it on my list to bring the cedar tomorrow.

    1. It does smell good. I had some mix left over and placed it in a bowl near the bed and fell asleep with the most wonderful scent nearby.!

  4. If the moths won´t disappear with all you are doing, then nothing will work.
    The herbs already look lovely as such!

    1. Ha-HA, you are so right. Let's hope they won't set up housekeeping agian!

  5. Well your clothes will smell delightful with lavender,I refresh my small muslin bags with fresh lavender every year to keep my bed linens smelling deluxe.Ida

    1. Love that lavender scent. I'll have to remember to refresh my bags every year, too!

  6. Sanda, these look luxurious and would make great stocking fillers too. And here's another useful tip, if the herbs in the bags loose their scent, you can always add a few drops of esseantial oil, let it absorb completely and place the satchet back in the closet. Good as new :-)

  7. That's a great tip! I usually keep lavender, rosemary and peppermint essential oils on hand, as I'm into aromatherapy, so any of those oils would suit the purpose of refreshing the bags!
    Thanks to much!
