Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Winter Solstice: A Great Pre-Christmas Read

If you're looking for a good read to get you into the Christmas frame of mind, try Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher. That is, if you have time during this busy month.

Available at

But even if you don't read it before the holidays, it's a great story any time. It can be considered a "light read," a novel that is simple, yet complex. 

I have read the book many times since it was published in 2000, always as Christmas approaches. I also have read many other books from this bestselling author, including her best known novel, The Shell Seekers.

Winter Solstice is the story of Elfrida Phipps, who retired from the theater and moved from London to a quaint country village to exorcise the pain in her past and find peace in a new place.

But tragedy ensues and Elfrida finds herself in a rambling house in the north of Scotland as the December solstice approaches

There, five very different and intriguing people, ranging in age from the teens to the mid-sixties, are thrown together. Each is confronting very different challenges or losses. 

The Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, represents a time of darkness for some, but for others it represents a time of hope, renewal and rebirth.

As the solstice passes and Christmas approaches, the healing power of love begins to work it's magic.

Rosamunde Pilcher is a British author. She was born in 1924.

Pilcher describes the daily rituals of living, and of the healing comforts of domesticity and companionship as few other writers can. If you haven't already this book, do give it a try. It's a great read to get you into the Christmas mood.


  1. Hello Sanda

    I loved this book and must find my copy and re-read. I have read all of Rosamund Pilcher's books and they are keepers. Thanks for reminding me of this great author.

    Helen xx

    1. You are more than welcome Helen. It's always a pleasure to recommend a Rosamund Pilcher book. I love them all!

  2. I love to read and look forward to reading some of her works. I love British authors. Anita Brooks is one of my favorites.

    1. I have never read Anite Brooks; will check that out soon! I too love British writers.

  3. So happy you posted this. You solved a gift problem for me. I wanted to include a book in my Mom's Christmas gift but hadn't come up with the right title. I'm off to order this one!

    You are a lifesaver!


    1. Well, I am very happy that I solved a gift problem for you. You won't be sorry for giving this book and I do hope your Mom enjoys reading it.

  4. RP's books are my 'comfort books' in time of stress...I have read all of them.

    You are so right 'Winter Solstice' is just the book for December/January months. Ida

    1. I never thought of it that way, but you are absolutely right: her books are comfort books!

  5. Sounds good. I'll add it to my list. Thanks for the recommendation.

    1. You are most welcome, Carol! If you are like me, your list grows longer and longer!

  6. I want to read it - sounds so uplifting. I have read lots of her books but not this one.

    Another book to add to my list! The list is getting longer as time gets shorter but we need a "to do" list at all times.
