Sunday, January 6, 2013

And Now for the Rest of the Story....

I'm often annoyed with the news media. A big story is reported, sometimes for many days, but then is dropped and we hear no more and I'm left wishing to know the final outcome. 

I'm not for a moment comparing the posts I place on my blog to the above, nor do I think that readers think about them even one second after they are read. Maybe it's the journalist in me -- and my personal annoyance with something not brought to completion -- that causes me to want to tell you the final outcome of a few of my previous posts.

So here's an update on a few previous posts

On Dec. 19 I showed pictures of Two Turtle Doves perched in a tree in my backyard, which gave me a nice association with the approaching holiday. Today I am happy to report the two doves are still with me.

I planned to bake a Christmas Cake and provided the recipe in a post entitled How to Face the Holidays. The cake was not made. I mixed the dried fruit and spices but then my oven didn't work so I stored the mixture in the refrigerator. The new stove didn't arrive in time to bake a cake. The fruits are still in the refrigerator but I will be pitching it in a few days, even though I'm sure it would last forever in the refrigerator. I'm just not in the mood to eat fruitcake now. Perhaps I'll have better luck next year.

A companion piece to the cake story was another recipe for an ancient beef recipe, which I posted in How to Face the Holidays - Part II (Spiced Beef). I did make this, but being forced to bake it in a toaster oven was not a good idea. Not roomy enough for the heat to circulate; oven got too hot; so the beef turned out quite dry. And the taste was quite salty. I think with my new eating habits, and the use of limited salt, I can no longer tolerate the taste of strong salt. I won't be making this dish next year.

Yoga - For Beginners Like Me - A post in which I told you about my new yoga classes. Yes, they were great. Loved/love yoga but I discontinued my classes after the first 8-week session ended because I didn't wish to continue driving 20 miles twice a week to get there. My intent was to learn the moves in class and continue the regimen at home. But alas, I am not consistently practicing but am still determined. Maybe this week will be the perfect time to get back into the habit.

How about you? Are you having to adjust to getting back "into the groove" after the holidays, and now that it feels that winter has settled upon us?


  1. Ah what a good blog topic Sanda. I, too, was going to make that Christmas cake, then somebody gave us a home-baked cake, and we decided that was quite enough cake for one Christmas. Yes, having trouble getting back into the regular life, including blogging. Blogger is refusing to let me upload photos today, so nothing is happening in that department. Christmas tree finally down and away, along with all the other themed decorations. Back walking and at the gym today, so another item ticked off. January is a bit of a rebirthing month, isn't it?

    1. Rebirthing is a good way to think of January! I had problems with Blogger yesterday as well but seems alright today. I'm hoping this feeling of forcing myself to do everything/anything will soon pass!

  2. Happy to read the updates. You sure had a time without your oven didn't you? I haven't quite comfortably settled back into my routine yet. I do start back with physical therapy this week though. I want to start swimming at the Y as well, guess I'd better check their schedule.


    1. Getting a new oven has been a real saga. Still don't have one. Now it's promised Jan. 10. I don't know how I've survived two months without one.

  3. Well. You are honest and that´s a very good thing. Good thing that the doves are there still.
    I don´t set high goals for myself, I hop over where the fence is at it´s lowest, so I am/ have been doing my regulars without a pause. Xmas stuff was placed up and taken down as planned.
    I´m ok, maybe only boring..

    1. You are never boring, Mette. Maybe you're just more realistic. I sometimes think I push too hard but I believe it's in my DNA and I won't likely change.

  4. Thank you for the updates,like you because of a long car journey cancelled a womens group meeting last glad to be back in my normal routine of healthy eating,work about the house,estate and business.Ida

    1. I think most of us are feeling the same thing these days. Why do the holidays leave us so disjointed? Do we do too much? expect too much? and does this inevitably cause the feeling of a big letdown? Could we just skip Christmas next year?

  5. Oh Sand, I completely relate to your post. I thought I was coming down with a cold since one of my co-workers that sits next to me had the worst cold in America and I could fell the germs hop all over me. My itchy burning eyes and runny nose went away within a few days and then I did not know what to blame my just plain blah feeling on except maybe being Winter Blues? I have just been going through the motions every day. I did manage to get to ballet classes this weekend but that was it. I have to drive an hour twice a week to get to class because of traffic during the week but only 10 minutes coming home so not bad. All my other classes I can get to within 10 minutes and makes a big difference. I know these blahs will pass eventually. Guess what I did Sunday night? Watched an episode of Downtown Abbey. Of course I am hooked. The acticng and artistry of costuming and sets and the lovely dialogue is just my cup of tea. Thank you for the recommendation. In the meantime I have heard what feels like down time is actually a time of renewal. Yey!!!!

    1. I am pleased to hear you watched and enjoyed Downton Abbey. And I hope you are correct - that we are in a time of renewal. I need renewed!!
