Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Crafty Me: Rosemary and Lavender Sachets

I haven't been crafty in a number of years. So many projects in my earlier years have caused me to believe I'm "over it."

But then I ran across a box of ribbons, or rather the box found me!

Give a girl some pretty ribbons....

Some shimmering organza fabric...

A stash of embroidery floss...

And greenery from the garden.


 And Viola, here are Rosemary Sachet bags I created.

No sewing required. Cut out fabric squares, gather and tie with ribbon and trim the top fabric evenly with scissors. This ribbon looks like pearls, but is multiple strands of white floss threaded through the gold ribbon.

I made these as little gifts for some special people, who will be receiving them next week.

How to use these sachets? Rosemary is an herb known for its many therapeutic uses. One is improving memory, thus the old saying "Rosemary is for Remembrance."

I read somewhere if you place Rosemary on your pillow at night your memory will improve. Who knows if that is true, but what's there to lose? Rosemary smells very good!

While prowling around in cupboards, I found a large bag of dried lavender buds that were purchased at least 12 years ago. It's hard to believe, but they have retained their fragrance all this time.

So I made Lavender Sachet Bags for lingerie drawers. I stitched the organza squares together with embroidery floss to make a bag, filled with lavender, tied with pretty ribbon and stitched down the raw edges at the top.

These are not professional looking at all - just little bits and pieces I cobbled together. They will make dresser drawers smell just as good as if sewed on a machine, however.

I had a few branches of Rosemary left over from the second photo above so I placed them in a jar to root. Below is a photo of Rosemary stems that have been in water for a couple of months. Note the abundant roots that have formed. They are ready for potting up.

Are you doing anything craft these days?


  1. beautiful! i am looking forward to spring and replanting my herbs, and these pictures inspire me :)

    1. Perhaps you love to grow herbs too? They are one of my favorites.

  2. Thanks! Everyone I communicate with is SO TIRED of winter this year. It's so cold today and I can't seem to get warm! I planted Shasta Daisy and Sweet Pea seeds in peat pots yesterday to get a head start for when planting time occurs. I'm ready for basil and all the other warm weather plants!!

  3. I know some of your special folks are going to be delighted with these small gifts. Who can't find room for a new sachet? All the better when it is hand made.


    1. I hope so Darla. We have reached the age where if you can't use it we don't want it. At least these can be tucked into dresser drawers and won't collect dust! I love receiving hand made gifts; they are the best.

  4. so elegant and pretty :-) I love your ribbon stash!

  5. How beautiful it all is! Can't wait to see them. The ribbon colors are SO pretty and make you feel so much better on this bitter cold day, Your stitching looks marvelous and you have done some beautiful crafty things in your day!

    1. Well, don't look too closely or you'll see the stitches aren't all that even. But I suppose that proves it's hand made and not machine made.

  6. These are so pretty Sanda. The white and gold ribbon effect really does look like pearls, and how clever to think of it. Your recipients will be thrilled; we all like a little herb scent about the house. Jealous of your ribbon stash!

    1. I save every bit of the satin/organza ribbons tied around things I buy. One never knows when a small amount will be needed! Everybody should have a ribbon stash!

  7. Sanda,re yesterdays request about Pinterest button....have sent my email address via your box.Ida

    1. In the next few days I need to get that Follow Me button installed. Why does everything have to be so complicated? The instructions baffle me at times. Hope you had luck getting to my Pinterest boards.

  8. You have earned/ saved a significant sum of money making all the sachet bags yourself.
    + had lots of fun working on them. Great!
    If / when I do any crafts, they are large and have to finished fast ; ).

    1. I suppose these little sachets would be rather expensive, but they are so easily made. It was rather nice putting them together.

  9. No crafts here,well watching new country hedging being planted round the estate,don't think that counts!!

    Use lavender muslin bags to sent bed linen,must try some Rosemary bags.The Rosemary pots look great on your window sill.Ida

    1. Ida, I would dearly love to see pictures of the estate. Too bad you don't start a blog to show us the beautiful area where you live.

      Do try rosemary in the bags; love the smell of it.

  10. These lavender bags or sachets are really looking good. Its quite different. If you reside in Ipswich area of UK then for lavender bags you can contact with Occasioncraft or else you can visit their website for online purchase.
