Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Style

I have never done a post such as this one, but there's always a first time for everything.

As mentioned previously, I have discovered Pinterest and spend time there browsing through the various categories of items that interest me. 

Some of my "boards" are dogs, books, gardening, flowers and thoughts to live by, to name just a few. I also have a fashion board and when I see something that appeals to me I add it.

Today I happened to find some clothing items that appeal to me very much. They reflect my style, my taste. To many people these items will be boring. No color and very classic in style.

Many of the clothes in my closet resemble these pieces, although I don't buy designer. I have no idea of the price for them.

Please feel free to comment on any of the styles and designers below.

Here, then, is "my imaginary wardrobe."

Little black dress (designer not listed)

Ralph Lauren Garner Charcoal Mélange Wool Cavalry Twill Skirt

Salvatore Ferragamo

H and M

Pinned Image
St. John 



  1. I love every one of these pieces, Sanda. All so elegant, timeless and classic. I could see Audrey Hepburn in some of these! Must check out Pinterest one day...

    1. You are so right, Patricia. Even though she was a Capri kind of girl, she would also look great in wide-leg pants. I know you would enjoy Pinterest!

  2. My thoughts exactly Patricia - I just thought to myself when I saw the first image - Audrey Hepburn - they say great minds think alike don't they?

    1. She made that boat-neck LBJ famous in Breakfast at Tiffany's. She looked great in everything she wore. She's my role model!

  3. Classic quality items that last decades if you treat them right :-) and flattering on many body types. I love the polka dot slim pencil skirt, such a cheeky and upbeat detail!

    1. The great thing about liking and buying classics is they never go out of style. I never tire of the look.

  4. i love all of these, but i especially love that polka dot skirt in the last picture. i'd love it with the black hat shown in one of the other pictures. i don't think any of it is boring. to me, they look classic and easy to accessorize.

    1. Looks like we think alike when it comes to fashion. Do you wear hats? I adore them.

      One can get so many different looks with one outfit simply by accessorizing.

    2. yes, i love hats! i'm seeing more of them, i think, and i like that :)

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  8. Love it all...except the polka don't skirt.
    All of it is so you! Can't best the classic look in

    1. I just deleted all the duplicate comments! Blogger is weird sometimes; you don't know if it published so you just keep hitting publish and before you know it, it's recorded the comment numerous times!

      It is so me, isn't it? So you too!

  9. I have a cream trouser suit same style as the white one,white and black are not my colours.

    Those elegant pieces could be mixed /matched to make a capsule wardrobe.Personally I would not buy from HM they are cheap and throw away.Off to check out your pins.Ida

  10. Sanda,have pressed the pin button it just shows all the items you have already blogged about,how do I get to your boards? I don;t have any problems when looking at other pins.

    What is your Pinterest name maybe I can use that? Ida

    1. Ida, I sent you an e-mail from my phone on suggestions for accessing my boards. I hope it worked. As I mentioned, I MUST figure out how to add the "Follow Me on Pinterest" button here on the blog.

      Thanks for the tip on HM. I am not familiar with the brand.

  11. I love these all but mostly Salvatore (#3) and the last one...only if they looked that good on me : )

    1. That trench coat with those pants is marvelous. The scarf worn that way reminds me of the 1970s. And remember Rhoda on the Mary Tyler Moore Show would wear that scarf style on her head often. Ah, the good old days!

  12. I ADORE the all white ensamble. So rich looking. I love to wear all white sometimes but these pieces look like cashmere, silk, and high quality jersey that I would love to splurge on but my lifestyle... alas... is way too casual to justify the means. But it is fun wo look at and one never knows what tomorrow brings!!!!!

    1. I particularly like the white one, too. I love all white and this one is particularly rich looking. My lifestyle is pretty casual these days too, but one never knows when a special event will present itself for wearing such an ensemble. Tomorrow, YES!

  13. I'll take the Ferragamo! The white is lucious but while I like all white (or better yet cream) I look pretty washed out in it.
    Hope you get your Pin link posted soon.


    1. What's not to like about a trench? Working on the Pin.

  14. The LBD is so classic, my favorite.
    Though I have no intention of starting a Pinterest board, as I have my blog, I´ll visit your´s when/ if I find it.

    1. LBD, jeans, white blouse, black sweater, couple of tees. Don't need much more, do we? Thanks; I'll let everyone know soon as I work out the details.
