Monday, February 11, 2013

One Year Later

Good morning,

One year ago today, Feb. 11, 2012, I placed my first blog post in this space. It doesn't seem quite possible that over a 365 day period I published 295 posts. For half of that time I was logging 11-12 hours away from home at my full-time job.

But this was something I was determined to do and it has been a satisfying endeavor. There have been few days I haven't had light bulb moments for future blog subjects. It's a big old world out there and it's my wish to keep growing, keep learning, keep gaining inspiration from all that's around me.

To those who have chosen to spend a few moments here over the past year, I say thank you. To those who have joined as a follower, I appreciate you. And most of all, to those who take time to leave me a comment, I appreciate you most of all.

It's been very rewarding to get to "know you," to have a dialogue and to share thoughts and ideas. And to sometimes have a laugh or two along the way.

From you I have learned much. You inspire, entertain and educate me. All of us are different. We have different backgrounds and upbringings. We live in different parts of the world. Out life experiences are different.

And yet, we can come together through blogs and form a bond. We seek ways to live our lives in a meaningful fashion, embracing each day to the fullest extent. Finding joy and comfort in small things of life.

I look forward to the journey ahead. We shall continue on our path, learning and loving the things around us that bring happiness.

As I briefly review some of the topics I've covered, I wonder if I've "stayed true" to the goal I set out for this blog.

Halcyon Days for me represents carving out time each day to slow down, enjoy the small things life has to offer and appreciate the beauty that's always there. Nature; my pets; poetry; books; photography; music; inspiration and wisdom gleaned from writings of others; little stories about people I've known; food; gardening; healthy living; a little bit of fashion. 

Who knows where the future will lead.

 Will I decide to keep chickens?

Credit: Lovely Greens via Pinterest
(Tanya describes herself as a country-girl in the Isle of Man who, after years of living the big-city life, has returned to her roots as a country girl.  Through her blog she shares her passions for gardening, cooking and making useful and beautiful things. Check out her blog)


Tuscany, Italy
Credit: mostbeautifulpages via Pinterest
Start a business?

Potpourri image via Pinterest

Or perhaps I'll just relax and have virtual afternoon tea here with you!

Summer tea image via Pinterest 

"Afternoon Tea" by William Henry Margetson 1861-1940
via Pinterest

I'll be putting the kettle on to boil and making up a tea menu fit for a king. Do put it on your calendar and make plans to join me.

Credit: via Pinterest

Happy Monday to you.


  1. Happy first anniversary dear Sanda! I am so glad that you did decide to have a blog. Yours is really always educational and fun. I think if school was taught via blogs students would enjoy it a great deal! (at least some of the time)
    I share your sentiments. Love those photos, and will check out the Isle of Man. Today I am swamped so you are providing all the entertainment.

    Thank you and best to you...x

    1. Thank you, Mona.

      And I always enjoy checking in and seeing what you and your lovely cat boys are up to. Many thanks for your regular comments here!

  2. Sanda,
    Congratulations on your first anniversary day as a r e a l blogger!
    You have succeeded brilliantly and stayed true and honest to your goals.
    I never know what to expect, when I click over to your blog. I have learned to know about things, I never even knew existed!
    Not to forget what a splendid story teller you are.
    Your curiosity and enthusiasm of everything new never ceases to surprise me - in a good way!
    Keep up your good work.
    A blogger can keep a break whenever she/ he feels like it.
    No explanations are demanded.
    Mette, XX

    1. Thank you, Mette.

      Yours was one of the first blogs I started reading after I "discovered" blogs, so you inspired me to start my own.

      I think one of the joys of blogging, and reading them, is learning of and exposure to new things. All of us have a story to tell.

      Thank you for being a regular here. Your comments always are insightful and appreciated.

      Breaks certainly are needed once in awhile. I'll keep that in mind!

  3. Happy blogaversary :-D I can't believe how fast one year passes. I'm joining in with the others in my admiration for diverse, educational fun topics you cover, your amazing gift for telling stories ans well as your prolific writing: 295 post in a year is a lot. And your posts are always long, filled with photos incredibly well designed.
    I wish you another year of happy inspirational blogging but most of all I wish you fun and joy!

    1. Hi Anna,
      I'll have to admit there were days when I had to really push myself to publish a blog. I suppose I was competing with myself -- to prove I could/would continue to write daily.

      It's been great getting to know you through your blog and learning about your country. And seeing the lovely jewelry you make.

      Thank you very much for your kind words.

  4. YES!! You have accomplished what you set out to do and I admire you. Your inspiration is contagious. Thank you Sanda!!

    1. Hello Barbara,

      So glad we "found" each other and can be an encouragement one to another. Thank you for joining my blog as a follower. I always enjoy your comments, and your blog.

  5. Congratulations on your blogoversary Sandra! And thank you for the mention :) xx

    1. Thank you for stopping by Tanya and you're quite welcome for the mention. I just couldn't resist using that gorgeous hen and daffodil image. Speaking of inspiration, you certainly seem to be one of the busiest people I know. You do so much and I really enjoy visiting your blog. Looking forward to seeing what you'll grow in your garden this year!

  6. Congratulations on one year - I am a recent follower and glad that I found you. If more people blogged I feel the world would be a happier place.
    I come across blogs where people say that they have run out of ideas to post, but everyday things happen around you and on the news, there are lots of inspiring moments to blog about.

    1. Thank you for joining as a follower, Rosemary.

      Each time I visit your blog I am swept away by your beautiful images. YOU are my photography inspiration!

      Never run out of ideas; just run out of time!

  7. So happy you started your blog a year ago. It has been a pleasure getting to know you. I really admire your writing style and appreciate the research that goes into so many of your posts. I enjoy stopping by daily, like a quick cuppa with a friend.

    Please save me a spot at the tea table.


    1. I remember the first time I visited your blog you had an image of your kitchen work space and I thought it was the NEATEST kitchen (not sure why I remember that!) Thanks for the kind words. My day wouldn't be complete either, unless I checked out what Darla is up to! I admire your creativity.

  8. Congratulations Sanda on your blog anniversary and 295 excellent posts! I am so glad I found your blog and enjoy your writing very much, while admiring your research skills and the fascinating stories which you tell. You are a very gifted writer! The Pinterest photos are beautiful, and I am always ready for a cup of tea at your delightful blog table. x

    1. The feeling is mutual, Patricia. You have fascinating and interesting posts and I'm glad I can keep up with what's going on in Australia through you. Thanks; I do love writing about what interests me.

      So long as I keep my brain fully engaged I'm hoping it will ward off Alzheimers! haha

      I think I'll plan a tea party for next week. See you at the table; I'll save you a seat.

    2. Ha ha re the Alzherimers, Sanda ... I tell my family that I blog and work at the art gallery because I find crosswords and playing bridge boring (these being the commonly offered antidotes to dementia suggested in Australia). Let's just keep on blogging!

  9. Can't believe its been a year and even tho I've always known always amaze me!!" I enjoy your posts so much and more than that...our real time together.
    Keep up good truly amaze me and I'm luckiest of my sister!!!!

    1. Where did the year go?

      No, I am the lucky one. Thank you for being the loyal and loving sister you are. And always my best friend.

  10. Oh my, can't believe its been a year since you published your first blog ! I just wanted to let you know I read all of them, may not always comment, but love each and every one. Just keep writing and entertaining us folks that are not good with words, but love to be enlightend with other peoples thoughts on different things in life.
    I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every one...
    Love you Cuz... Can't wait to spend a few days in Charleston with you ....

    1. Thank you Darry for reading my blog. I'll do my best to keep it up. Do leave me a comment as often as you can. Always love knowing what's going on in your life. Yes,
      looking forward to our get-away!!

  11. Congratulations!!! A little scary how time flies - a year!?Sanda, I ditto all of the above! Your vivid stories, which cover a wide range of subjects, are so interesting, entertaining, informative, and truly an enjoyable break in my day. Your insight, brilliant writing skills and "go-for-it" attitude inspire me!! Just keep on keeping on!
    Love, Areeda

  12. Thanks Areeda.

    How was your Florida trip? Glad you're back.

    Yes, the time does fly, especially when you're having fun, and this blog is a fun thing for me and I'm so glad you are a regular here.

    Well, you inspire me too with all you do!
