Friday, February 8, 2013

The Many Uses of Baking Soda

What makes you beautiful?

cleans your house?

and extinguishes kitchen fires?

That would be soda. Nope, not the kind you drink, but the kind that comes in a box for baking. Good old bicarbonate of soda -- an item in practically everyone’s cupboard.

I am aware of some of the uses for baking soda. As a kid, when we ran out of toothpaste my mother would give us soda to brush our teeth. I hated it, but it prevented a trip to the store. And I saw my daddy mix with water and take as a treatment for upset stomach.

Other uses? Well no, not really; not beyond placing a box in the refrigerator to neutralize odors.

But then I got on Pinterest. (Oh my, are you there yet? if so, are you hooked?) I am, at least for now. I trust the new will wear off soon, but I find myself there far to often looking at all the beautiful photos and finding useful information.

There's so much from which to choose: beauty tips, makeup tricks, decorating, gardening, crafts, photography, technology. Think up anything, search for it and you'll find it. 

I keep seeing “pins” on the wonders of baking soda. It seems many people are "into" this so I'm listing below some of its uses. This information is from the websites Arm and Hammer and care2 make a difference.

Care2 makes the point that we, as consumers, can "combat the ills that many corporations are perpetrating in the name of fighting grime and germs" by lessening our use of the products that produce environmental pollutants in our water systems.

Substituting baking soda for these products would show kindness to aquatic life and protect us from the "toxic tangle of pollutants" in personal care products, which are mainly in the form of synthetic fragrance and parabens.

I've only provided skeletal information on baking soda usage, but do click on over to the care2 page for details and further explanation.

Personal Use
Freshens  Mouth 
Soak Oral Appliance 
Facial Scrub and Body Exfoliant 
Invigorating facial and body scrub
Treat Insect Bites & Itchy Skin
Hand Cleanser and Softener
Clean Brushes and Combs
Bath Soak
Soothe Feet 
Surface Soft Scrub
Handwash Dishes and Pots & Pans
Freshen Sponges
Clean the Microwave
Polish Silver Flatware
Clean Coffee and Tea Pots
Clean the Oven
Clean Floors
Clean Furniture
Clean Shower Curtains 
Boost Liquid Laundry Detergent
Gently Clean Baby Clothes
Clean and Freshen Sports Gear 
Remove Oil and Grease Stains 
Clean Batteries
Clean Cars
Cutting Board 
Deodorize and Clean Dishwashers
Deodorize Garbage Disposals
Remove Odor From Carpets 
Remove Odor From Vacuum Cleaners 
Freshen Closets 
Deodorizing Cars  
Deodorize the Cat Box 
Deodorize Pet Bedding
Deodorize Sneakers
Freshen Linens 
Deodorize Your Wash
Freshen Stuffed Animals 
Camping Cure-all
Extinguish Fires
Septic Care
Fruit and Vegetable Scrub

I don't know about you, but I want to give some of these a try! Actually, I've already tried a few and can report it's not a bad toothpaste substitute. I've used as a face masque (mix with lemon juice) and spot cleaned woodwork.

Now I just have to find a 10 pound bag of the stuff!

What about you? Do you think you might try some of these uses for baking soda, or have you done so already?

A note about Pinterest: I'm trying to "figure out" how to install the "Follow Me on Pinterest" widget on Blogger but haven't quite got it yet. I have set up quite a few "Boards" there, with much useful information. Once I am successful with the follow me button, I likely won't be doing so many products/things to try posts here; you can just pop over to Pinterest and read that type of information. You have to join first, though.

 I was, however, able to add the "Pin It" button, and it now appears below the comments section on each post. It should  be showing up above the comments, along with the other widget buttons, but who knows the ways of Blogger?


  1. Hello Sanda

    I knew of some of the uses for baking soda but have learned much more from your post.


    Have a glorious weekend

    Helen xx

    1. The number of uses is overwhelming, but I'm going to try some of them and cut down on the number of commercial products I purchase.

      Hope you had a great weekend, Helen.

  2. So many uses, most of which I did not know. I would like to know how to use baking soda as a personal deodorant - that sounds a bit difficult! I have been wondering what Pinterest is (I am a bit of a dinosaur). I'll watch with interest.

    1. Hello Patricia,
      I rechecked the web page. It doesn't give any directions on how to do that, but I suspect one could make a thick paste, apply and allow to dry. Granted, not the easiest way to apply deodorant. I'm curious about that one too.

  3. I've used baking soda to clean my teeth and cure upset stomach. I've also used it in lieu of bleach/fabric whitener with great results. Unfortunately they don't sell soda in bulk bags so throwing tiny packets of soda in the washing machine is not a daily option.
    Being conscious of the environmewnt as well as dealing with my skin issues, I've changed all the cleaning products and much of our cosmetics to ecological and cruelty free alternatives. Most of them contain baking soda :-) and my kitchen cleaning spray contains citrus oil which works wonders at removing grease.

    1. The Arm and Hammer web page shows a large resealable bag; not sure of its weight. I haven't seen it in my local stores. Maybe it can be ordered online.

      Great that you've made changes and use ecological and cruelty-free alternatives. I need to make a more concerted effort to do so myself. The citrus oil cleaner is intriguing. I will have to investigate that one. Thanks!

  4. Lots of uses for baking soda, I knew some but others are new. I recall Mom making a paste of it with water to put on a bee sting and also the tooth brushing. I'll be trying some of the things you list. I haven't wandered into Pin-land. I'm afraid I'd get lost there and never find my way back, LOL!


    1. I remember that bee sting paste too; had forgotten about that.

      One step at a time. All this technology stuff blows my mind at times. There's so much out there and I'm still exploring.

      That's funny!

  5. I find pinterest boards weird,pinning clothes into closets sorry excuse me while I yawn a total bore!

    Knowing you am certain we are in for some interesting posts,will take a look when you are on.Thanks for all the tips on use of already posted the packs are too small,and work out expensive...anyone selling bulk? Ida

    1. I find the pinning of outfits the most ridiculous of all the boards. All they show are 20-year-old super skinny little things. I think those mostly come from Polyvore. But there are beautiful pictures of art, animals, quotes and people-related posts, plus you can get book and movie ideas.

      I am going to check to see if they sell bulk soda. You're right; way to expensive to use otherwise.

  6. I am open for more environmental options too.
    But is the baking soda ok for washing the teeth? Tried it today, and my teeth are perfectly clean now.
    like Ida, I don´t understand the Pinterest thing at all, am not planning one for myself, but I will visit your´s.
    You share such good information.
    But - I have found my iPhone interesting. It´s an useful notebook too.

    1. Yes, I believe brushing teeth with soda is perfectly fine for teeth and whitens over time. Some of the toothpastes have baking soda as an ingredient as well.

      Glad to hear your report on your new iPhone.

  7. Thanks for all the baking soda tips.
    I do not understand Pinterest either. I have heard that it is very addictive, so I need to give it a miss. I have seen images of mine on Pinterest, it seems that anyone can take your photos and use them without asking permission - is that right?

    1. I believe that to be correct, Rosemary. I note that all the photos on your blog have your blog name imprinted, so at least that helps. It is a jungle out there in webland.

  8. Thank you for visiting my blog!

  9. Cleaned my teapot this morning with SB now sparkling,thanks.Ida

  10. Good for you. BTW, I bought a 4-lb box yesterday, the largest I've seen in my grocery store. But I'll be on the lookout for a 20-lb bag!
